
Would you like to learn more about the design principles underlying the development of the Pocket Forest? Or perhaps you are feeling a bit stressed and some nature therapy is what you need. 

We have developed two very special podcasts which enable you to get to know the Pocket Forest in very different ways. 

'Pocket Practices' is a series of short mindfulness activities which can be practiced either at the Pocket Forest or in another natural setting and 'Fire Safer Gardens' is an interesting and informative discussion with Evette Sunset, landscape designer and artist who guided the original development of the Pocket Forest. 

Just click on the links below and listen on your favorite  podcast platform. 

Georgie davidson

Mindfulness in nature 

Learn more about Georgie's 

Mindful Movement Practice. 

photocredit: georgiedavidson.com

Evette Sunset

Plants & Design

Read about Evette's involvement in the 

Willunga Bassett Street Reserve.