For Students...

Prospective Graduate Students

I am actively looking for motivated students who wish to engage in advanced research in the fields of Operations Research and Operations Management. My primary research interests include: supply chain and network optimization, sustainability (environmentally- and socially-responsible operations), data analytics (machine learning, reinforcement learning), and OM interfaces with Marketing and Accounting. 

Prospective students interested in pursuing graduate studies (MS or PhD) may arrange a meeting with me. Please send an email ( or drop by my office (58-503). Others who wish to know more about my research are also welcome. Students outside of the College of Business Administration, such as Economics, Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics (or other related fields) are also very much welcomed!!

Current Students

Former Students 

Ph.D. Students

        Placement: Assistant Professor at University of Alabama, Operations Management;  currently Assistant Professor at Oregon State University, Operations Management

        Placement: Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin at Madison, Industrial & Systems Engineering

M.S. Students

Honorary Alumni