Skills Bootcamp

Third Person Controller / Collisions & Destructions

In this project we were shown how to add a third person controller to a basic sphere. With the correct colliders and a rigid body this allowed me to move the ball along a track.

The next step was adding something to collect. The tutor made smaller spheres into basketballs with a bounce physics material and a script to destroy them on collision with the object tagger player. 

In my case I flattened them out a bit to try to make some collectable coins. A score counter was added via a script to allow each destroyed object to be counted as 1 in the total.

Then we added some "enemies" in the form of "bombs" that would do the opposite of the coin in removing 1 from the score as it is destroyed.

To finish, we explored simple particle effects marking a finish line for us to reach. If the score was greater than 0 when crossing the triggered area (in this instance just a cube turned into a door with the mesh renderer removed) then a message of 'Game Won' is displayed. If 0 or less, a message of 'Game Lost' appears.