Membership Dues:

Membership dues are paid per Coordinator and are due to the MIBS Treasurer in the fall of each school year.

New schools are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings during their authorization year.

Authorized schools should be in good standing in order to participate in round table meetings.

Diploma Program Coordinator - $200

Career Program Coordinator - $200 or $100 if school offers DP & CP

Middle Years Program Coordinator - $200 or $100 if school offers another IB program

Primary Years Program Coordinator - $100


Coordinators:  Please submit applications to 

Cheri Horyna by due date on application.

Cheri Horyna

Hutchinson High School 

810 East 13 Street

Hutchinson, KS  67501

Each MIBS Diploma Coordinator, in good standing, can nominate one qualifying Diploma Candidate.  

One $750scholarship will be awarded. Instructions for completing application

Each MIBS Diploma Coordinator, in good standing, can nominate one qualifying Diploma Candidate.  

One $750 scholarship will be awarded. Instructions for completing application

Each MIBS Career-related Coordinator, in good standing, can nominate one qualifying Career-related Candidate.

One $750 scholarship will be awarded. Instructions for completing application

Each MIBS Diploma Coordinator, in good standing, can nominate one qualifying Diploma Candidate.  

One $750 scholarship will be awarded. Instructions for completing application

Each MIBS Middle Years Coordinator, in good standing, can submit one Personal Project. 

MYP Coordinators in attendance at the Spring meeting will award two students from with a $100 prize. Instructions for completing application

Each MIBS Primary Years Coordinator, in good standing, can nominate one qualifying Exhibition group during the Spring MIBS meeting.  

PYP Coordinators in attendance at the Spring meeting will then vote and award one Exhibition group with a $100 prize. Instructions for completing application

Each MIBS Primary Years Program Coordinator and Middle Years Program Coordinator, in good standing, can submit one teacher grant.

One PYP School and one MYP School may be awarded a $100 grant. Instructions for completing application