Withdrawal Management
Link to Treatment Providers locations page-in development
Stimulant Withdrawal Management
Stimulant Withdrawl Management https://issuu.com/nextdistro/docs/stimulantwithdrawalcondensed
Opioid Withdrawal Management
Opioid withdrawal at Home https://issuu.com/nextdistro/docs/opioidwithdrawalcondensed
Benzo Tappers & Withdrawal Management
Benzo Tapers https://issuu.com/nextdistro/docs/benzowithdrawalcondensedenglish/2
Wound & Abscess Care
Description: Developed by Jeremy Levit for NEXT Distro with the support of NEXT's Medical Advisory Board, harm reductionists, and community partners. This resource will explore how to learn how to inject, drug, set, and setting, routes of administration, adulterants, cuts, or contaminants, and aftercare.