Midewin Heritage Association
Preserving the history of those who went before
Preserving the history of those who went before
Welcome to the Midewin Heritage Association. Our purpose is to promote an understanding of the rich cultural and natural history of the land which today is Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, along with those of the surrounding areas having a historical connection to this land.
Welcome to the Midewin Heritage Association. Our purpose is to promote an understanding of the rich cultural and natural history of the land which today is Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, along with those of the surrounding areas having a historical connection to this land.
Top photos: Prairie (black and white), Jerry Heinrich; Potawatomie couple, Lenny & Sawyers Cabinet Card; Roderick farm, courtesy of Midewin NTP; Arsenal worker, The Bombshell (Arsenal newsletter); Prairie (color), Jerry Heinrich