Our Newsletter

Front page of the newsletter

What's In a Name?

Why name a newsletter The Prairie Wind?  We think it sets the tone for this quarterly missive.  The winds can blow gently across the prairie, just nodding the heads of the grasses and forbs, providing a gentle persuasion to move in a direction.  But the wind can also blow hard and strong, sending the seeds of the plants far afield.  We see our newsletter doing that too.  We hope the Wind will not be just hot air to the field of cultural research and presentation.  

The Prairie Wind will keep you informed of what is blowing in the breeze, what your organization is planning and doing, and, periodically, it will include results of research our members have done or stories which have been shared with us.  Listen to the sounds of the wind.  It is the voice of the Prairie.


Past issues are posted below.  To receive new issues as they are published, consider becoming a member.