Regional Spring Meeting 2024 

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 20, 2024 


All events will take place in Clark Hall, Room 107. Campus Map.

10:30 a.m. Welcome

11:00 a.m. Keynote Talk: Noelle Sawyer, Southwestern University 

              Title:  I am not a Mathematician

12:00 p.m. Lunch + Student Posters

  1:00 p.m. Breakout/Parallel Sessions 

  2:15 p.m. Coffee Break

  2:45 p.m. Activity organized by Padhu Seshaiyer, George Mason University

Title: Integrating Culturally Inclusive and Equitable Practices into Research, Education and Outreach in Mathematical Sciences

  4:00 p.m. Discussion about the organization, by-laws, etc.

Keynote Presentation

I am not a Mathematician

Mathematicians love discussing the beauty of math - its generalizations and abstractions and detailed descriptions of concepts. Yet, somehow, the same people who gleefully learn about highly technical theorems refuse to recognize and reckon with how they treat colleagues and students. I am not one of those people, and by your attendance, I hope that you are not either. I will talk about ways for us to envision a new path forward, ways to form and find communities, and most of all: to reimagine what it should mean to be a mathematician.


Noelle Sawyer is a Black Bahamian mathematician and an assistant professor at Southwestern University. Her research lies in the intersections between dynamics, geometry and topology. Her heart lies in finding and cultivating community. She earned her PhD in Math from Wesleyan University and her BA in Math and History from Vassar College.  When she’s not working on math and teaching, she’s probably baking, reading, drinking tea, rock climbing, doing crossword puzzles, or being an auntie to her twin nieces.

Organized Activity

Integrating Culturally Inclusive and Equitable Practices into Research, Education and Outreach in Mathematical Sciences


In this talk, the participants will engage in learning about integrating equitable practices for advancing their understanding of racial equity in mathematical research, education, and outreach. Specifically, the participants will be engaged in interactive activities that will empower them with learning about culturally relevant and responsive approaches in working with students from diverse backgrounds and experiences, gain awareness of cultural differences, multiple learning styles and an inclusive and equitable pedagogy in mathematics research, education, and outreach. We will also share and learn about the impact of unconscious bias, which is influenced by cultural stereotypes that affect how individuals evaluate and treat one another. These biases often continue to impact both universities and workplace environments across the globe. By integrating these culturally relevant practices into research, education, and outreach efforts, the mathematical community can work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable environment where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the advancement of the field.



Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer (Padhu) is a Professor and Director at George Mason University (GMU) where he has served in multiple leadership positions including the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Director of the STEM Accelerator Program and Director of the Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology. His research interests are in the broad areas of Computational Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Machine Learning, Data Science, Biomechanics, Computational Thinking, Mathematical Modeling, Design and System Thinking, STEM education and Teacher Professional Development. During the last decade, he has initiated and directed a variety of educational and outreach programs including faculty development, post-graduate, graduate and undergraduate research, K-12 outreach, teacher professional development, and enrichment programs, to foster the interest of students and teachers in STEM at all levels. He has also served as a Program Director at the NSF, was the past chair of the SIAM Diversity Advisory Committee and currently serves as the Chair of the US National Academies Committee for Mathematics Instruction and an elected councilor for the Council on Undergraduate Research in the Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Division. He was also appointed by the Governor of Virginia to two different boards including the VA STEM Education Advisory Board and the VA Workforce Development Board. In April 2019, he was selected as one of the “Figures that Matter” for his contributions to Academia and Society and was awarded an honorary doctorate by Vrije Universiteit Brussels.

Panel Sessions

Panelists for Session 1:

Panelists for Session 2:

Accommodations and Traveling to UVA





Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner (University of Maryland)

Ben Hayes (University of Virginia)

Sara Maloni (University of Virginia)

Michael Robert (Virginia Tech)

Website: Sergio Da Silva (Virginia State University)

Acknowledgment: NSF Grant DMS-2227372, DMS-2238091  (Cristofaro-Gardiner), DMS-2144739 (Hayes), DMS-1848346 (Maloni).

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