
(Building and Maintenance)

A New Version of the Micro Magic Germany YouTube Channel with Improved Videos and English and French Subtitles

Editor's Note:  Our already just great YouTube channel has been markedly improved.  And it even has English and French subtitles! Be sure to take a look, and also to subscribe, so that you can easily find new ones added to the channel.  Again, many thanks to Martin Clemens for all of this work!

Hello friends of the Micro Magic,

About a year ago Marco Hill, as the manager of the German Micro Magic website, and I started a YouTube channel for Micro Magic Germany.  We received positive reactions and I decided to revise the first versions of my videos to use them internationally for the Micro Magic class. This included creating English and French subtitles. 

This has been a long time coming and is now done. The video topics have focused so far on the construction of the New Micro Magic. There are currently seven videos on this.  More around the boat technology will follow. Interesting things, such as 3D printing, rig variations, sail making, etc.

But reports about the class and its scene are just as important to me. Events, developments in the class, activities of the manufacturer, special contributions of sailors, and much more. Anyone who has ideas about this can contact me through the channel. I can respond to messages in English, French, Spanish, and German. 

To make it more personal, the channels label is individual:



My concern is to make sailing with Micro Magic more visible in the digital world and in finding new interested people. I would therefore be happy if you would support it by linking the channel on your national websites, getting it out to your members, etc.


Martin Clemens

Setting Up a Spektrum DX6e for RC-Sailing (Greg Norris)

Setting up a Fly Sky FS-i6 for RC-Sailing (Greg Norris)

Hacker Sail Modification - May 2021

Product Review etc. -- Hacker nMM Article for MY #204 Final - By Mike Eades - In-depth review of the Hacker nMM ARTR with extensive build notes.

Building the Hacker new Micro Magic Kit - By Greg Norris - An in-depth review of the Hacker nMM kit with lots of very specific build recommendations.

Adhesives for the Hacker New Micro Magic (article by Greg Norris) - Adhesives Easily Available in the US - to be used in conjunction with Geert Middel's careful quantitative adhesive testing below.  It exists solely because European adhesives are not sold under the same brands and names in the US.

Adhesives for the Hacker New Micro Magic (spreadsheet by Greg Norris) - Adhesives Easily Available in the US.

A Careful Test of a Variety of Adhesives for the New Micro Magic - By Geert Middel 

Some Build Notes and Pictures for the Hacker nMM Kit - By Elmer Boon 

Build Notes and Pictures for the Hacker New Micro Magic Kit - By Martin Clemens

Ergänzende Informationen zum Bau der New Micro Magic ARTR - German Language Version

Build Notes and Pictures for the Hacker New Micro Magic Kit - French language version

Build Notes and Pictures for the Hacker New Micro Magic Kit - Dutch language version

A Brief Article about Rigging and Knots - By Greg Norris - Knot Illustrations by Jack Chambers

Peter B's Parts List  -  This is for Version 1 Racing Micro Magic kits, but it is also usable for Version 2 kits.  It is preferable to the Graupner parts list.

Peter B's Assembly Instructions  -  This is also for Version 1 kits, but also usable for Version 2's.  Also preferable to Graupner's instructions.