Arne Ryde Workshop

"Micro Data meet Macro Models"

August 22-23, 2024 -  Lund, Sweden

The 2nd Arne Ryde Workshop on "Micro data meet Macro models" will take place at the Lund Grand Hotel in Lund, Sweden, on August 22-23. The Workshop is organized by young members of the Department of Economics, Lund University, with the generous support of the Arne Ryde Foundation.

The workshop aims to foster discussion and collaborations between Scandinavian institutions (particularly known for having access to rich administrative micro data) and the broader European and global network of macro and micro researchers. The focus of the event is to bring together scholars approaching macroeconomic questions using micro data and scholars employing macroeconomic models suitable for micro-data testing as well as drawing from micro evidence.

The Call For Papers is now closed. The workshop program consists of 12 paper presentations with discussions and two 1-hour keynote speeches. 

The confirmed keynote speakers will be:


Claudio Daminato (

Elin Molin (


The Workshop will take place at Lund Grand Hotel

The venue is located 35 minutes train ride away from Copenhagen international airport. More practical information on how to reach Lund can be found here