Mickie Winkler:
Irreverent Writer of Short Humor
From 2002 to 2006, Mickie Winkler served on the Menlo Park City Council and in 2006 was the Menlo Park mayor. What an experience! It inspired this collection of anecdotes and exposed her to the delightful absurdity of our world. What if there is intelligent life in the universe? she wondered. How would it view us? She concluded: As entertainment, for sure.
Politics, Police and Earthling Antics kicked off during her first swearing-in ceremony. It is not okay to laugh during that solemn occasion, especially if you are the one being sworn in. But her sworn oath to protect the Constitution of California against all enemies, knowing that no one has ever read this horrendously long and muddled constitution, made her laugh-- on mic.
As a politician she failed to do what almost all politicians do. She failed to get reelected.
Winkler was born in New York City, had a career in advertising, and lived in seven U.S. cities. In the South she was accused of being a damned Yankee liberal and in California she was recast as conservative.
Post-retirement, she lived in Russia, China, Turkey and Thailand teaching conversational English. In most places she was envied as an American, and in some places she was pitied. But everyone agreed: she was lucky to have been born in an English-speaking country because English is one tough language to learn. Some of the anecdotes here reflect on her experiences abroad, and some on the uniqueness of life in the US of A.
Her view? We are all imperfect beings, and as such, an immeasurable source of on-going fun. Stay tuned.
The Downside of Power