
My research explores how poverty and external shocks (such as environmental stressors and the COVID-19 pandemic) interact to affect people's physical and mental health, cognition, decision making and exposure/propensity to violence. 

My ongoing and published projects span related questions ranging from:

a) Whether cognitive behavioral therapy provides resilience against negative shocks in low-income settings,

b) How temperature affects people's decision-making abilities, through sleep and cognition, 

c) The effects of natural disasters on physical and mental health of adults and children in urban poor settings, 

d) The disproportionate exposure and negative health effects of heat in slums and informal settlements, among others. 

For details about my publications, working papers, teaching, and media contributions check the Research and CV tabs.  

I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and subject coordinator of the Applied Microeconometric Modelling unit at the University of Melbourne. 

I also organise the Applied Microeconomics Seminar at the University of Melbourne.