Please find below a short version of my CV.

Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in a more updated and detailed version.

Work and Research Experience

2022 - present Assistant Professor - Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Florence (Italy)

2020 - 2022 ESO Fellow - European Southern Observatory (ESO), Garching (Germany)

2018 - 2020 Postdoctoral Researcher - Astronomy Department, University of Geneva (Switzerland)

2016 - 2018 Graduate Research Student - INAF / Astronomical Observatory of Rome (Italy)

2015 - 2016 Graduate Research Student - Kavli Institute for Cosmology & University of Cambridge (UK)


2023 - present National Scientific Habilitation to the role of Associate Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics 

2015 - 2018 Ph.D. in "Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Science" - Sapienza University, University of Tor Vergata, and INAF (Italy). Final grade: Excellent cum Laude

2013 - 2015 M.Sc. in Astronomy & Astrophysics - Sapienza University (Italy). Final grade: 110/110 cum laude

2010 - 2013 B.Sc. in Physics & Astrophysics - Sapienza University (Italy). Final grade: 110/110

Publications & Research outputs

Last update: Jul 2024


Teaching activities (selected)

2024 - Lecturer in "Computer Vision" - M.Sc. program in Data Science, University of Florence

2023 - present Lecturer in "General Physics" - B.Sc. program in Computer Science, University of Florence

2023 - present Lecturer in "Computer Science" - B.Sc. program in Physics & Astronomy, University of Florence

2023 - present Guest lecturer for the M.Sc. class "AGNs and Black Holes", University of Florence

2023 - present Guest lecturer for the B.Sc. class "Introduction to Astrophysics", University of Florence

2019 - 2020 Laboratory  Assistant for the M.Sc. class "Galaxies & cosmology", University of Geneva

2018 - 2019 Guest lecturer for the M.Sc. class "Stellar Evolution", Sapienza University

2013 - 2014 Laboratory  Assistant for the B.Sc. class "Laboratory of Astrophysics", Sapienza University

Supervision and mentoring

2024 Caterina Bracci - M.Sc. thesis "Classification of spectra from emission-line regions with neural networks", University of Florence

2024 Riccardo Trallori - B.Sc. thesis "Using neural nets to predict the mass-metallicity relation with galaxy images", University of Florence 

2024 Nicole Maio - B.Sc. thesis "Galaxy kinematics using convolutional neural networks"  (main advisor: Prof. Enrico Di Teodoro), University of Florence 

2023 Michael Cavicchioli - B.Sc. thesis "Going Beyond Pixels - Image Representation via Embedding Vectors obtained from Large Pre-trained Models", University of Florence

2023 Elia Grilli - B.Sc. thesis "Analysis of MOONS simulated spectra with Neural Networks", University of Florence

2023 Francesco Chiti - B.Sc. thesis "Exploring the properties of quasars with Machine Learning", University of Florence

2023 Matilde Brazzini - M.Sc. thesis "Studying the metallicity in HII regions of nearby galaxies" (main advisor: Dr. Francesco Belfiore), University of Florence

2023 Elia Eredi - B.Sc. thesis "Evaluation of human and model observers  based on Artificial Intelligence in Computed Tomography protocols" (main advisor: Dr. Sandra Doria), University of Florence

2023 Federica Monchi- B.Sc. thesis "Dual Energy CT : physical principles and clinical applications" (main advisor: Dr. Sandra Doria), University of Florence

2022 Maria Stone (University of Turku) - Ph.D. research project (3 months visiting period) "Lyman-alpha nebulae around dust-obscured quasars at z~3", ESO

2022 Claudia Di Cesare (Sapienza University) - Ph.D. research project (6 months visiting period) "Baryon cycling at high-redshift", ESO

2022 Meghana Killi (University of Copenaghen) - Ph.D. research project (6 months visiting period) "A study of spatial offsets between stellar and ISM phases in distant galaxies", ESO (co-supervised with Dr. Gergo Popping)

2021 Ivanna Langan (ESO) - P.h.D. thesis project "Multi-wavelength studies of the baryon cycle of disc galaxies", ESO (co-supervised with Dr. Gergo Popping and Dr. Nicolas Bouche)

2021 Louise Kluge (University of Heidelberg) - ESO Summer Research Programme 2021 project "The mysterious [CII] emission in the interstellar medium of galaxies"

Observing Experience

Professional Service and Organization of Science Activities (selected)

2022 - present Co-founder and co-organiser of the Machine Learning Discussion Group at the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Florence

2020 - 2023 Co-founder and co-organiser of the Galaxy Evolution Coffee, ESO

2022 - 2023 Organiser of the  2022-edition of the ESO Summer Research Programme

2021 - 2022 Selection Committee for the  2021-edition of the ESO Summer Research Programme 

2020 - 2022 Organiser of the Knowledge Exchange Series, ESO

Outreach (selected)

2024 Science communicator at "ScienzEstate 2024", University of Florence

2024 Invited speaker, event: "Uno sguardo al cielo", Istituto Comprensivo Carlo Pisacane – Ponza (Italy)

2023 Science communicator at "BRIGHT NIGHT 2023", Florence

2023 Science communicator at "ScienzEstate 2023", University of Florence

2021 - present Member of "Associazione Astronomiamo" which promotes a direct link between astronomers and the general public. In 2022 I delivered a full course on "Galaxy Evolution" for the general public.

2021 Invited seminar - "Il destino e l’origine dello spazio-tempo", Sezze (Italy).

2021 Invited seminar (virtual) – "Galassie in evoluzione: il ciclo cosmico dei barioni", Associazione Astronomiamo

2021 Invited seminar (virtual) – "L’Universo bello e complesso: stelle, galassie, buchi neri e tanto altro...", event: "Giornata della Scienza 2021", Istituto Comprensivo Don Camagni, Brugherio (Italy)

2019 Invited speaker, event: "Progetto Lezioni di fisica moderna", Liceo Statale Leonardo Da Vinci, Terracina (Italy) 

2018 Science communicator (subject: "Galaxies") at "La Cité des Métiers", one-week exhibition at Palexpo, Geneva (Switzerland)

2018 Invited speaker at the Science Event "Incontro di Astrofisica", Latina Scalo (Italy)