Interview for helping French pupils to understand what doing research in cybersecurity means
An interview conducted by CEA's communication department
YOUTUBE (December 2021, online)
Getting an Academic Position in France/Belgium and at the CEA List insitute from Université Paris-Saclay
An interview conducted by Manuel Rigger aimed at helping future faculty candidates
YOUTUBE / Long interview (56 min) as a part of the "Getting Academic Positions" (GAP) interviewing series (July 2021, online)
Twitter in Academia: Why You Need It and How to Use It
A tutorial to raise awareness and introduce basic concepts about using Twitter in (CS) academia
SLIDES / Medium talk (35 min) at our internal Binsec team seminar (December 2020, Paris, France)
Compiler Fuzzing: How Much Does It Matter?
A rigorous empirical study of the impact of miscompilation bugs in a mature compiler, comparing bugs found using a fuzzer to bugs found while compiling real code.
YOUTUBE / SLIDES / Long talk (50 min) at PAPERS WE LOVE LONDON (January 2020, London, UK)
YOUTUBE / SLIDES / Short talk (20 min) at SPLASH/OOPSLA'19 (October 2019, Athens, Greece)
Why Software Is Unreliable and How To Improve It
An outreach talk about software reliability
SLIDES / Short talk (20 min) at London Interdisciplinary Social Science Workshop (, February 2019, London, UK)
A scalable, sound and unifed technique able to detect infeasible, duplicate and subsumed test objectives, for a wide panel of white-box testing criteria.
SLIDES / Short talk (20 min) at ICSE'18 (June 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden)
A formal language to encode test input generation objectives in a way both generic and amenable to efficient test automation.
SLIDES / Short theory talk (20 min) at ICST'17 (March 2017, Tokyo, Japan)
SLIDES / Short tooling talk (20 min) at ICST'17 (March 2017, Tokyo, Japan)
Symbolic Execution of SQL Applications
An approach to automatically generate tests inputs for Java programs with embedded SQL statements.
SLIDES / Short prospective talk (20 min) at ICSE/CSTVA'14 (May 2014, Hyderabad, India)
SLIDES / Short talk (20 min) at SCAM'13 (September 2013, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)