Bethany Beach, DE [] Annual Family Trip




The Office

Shaolin Kenpo

Pine Mountain Lake, Groveland, CA

Charitable Work - giving back & getting back

I'm grateful for the opportunities I have to volunteer. It's not just about giving back -- it's about getting back too. My daughter was able to join me on 3 amazing, fulfilling trips to Nicaragua. We often return with a new sense of appreciation and strong desire to simplify our lives. 

I have some terrific stories to tell; and those are best shared in small discussions, over a meal or an activity. 

The Guardsmen Charity Group in San Francisco

Through dozens of fundraising events, we raise over $2 million dollars each year for underprivileged San Francisco Bay Area children.

Arms of Love, Nicaragua

We are able to work alongside of the faculty and staff and spend time with some amazing children.

Give Right Foundation, Ghana & Togo

Our mission of the Give Right Foundation is to tackle healthcare inequality in West Africa.                                   (650) 509-8940
