Working Papers

with Matthew Lindquist, Eleonora Patacchini, and Yves Zenou, June 2024, CEPR Discussion Paper No 19159.

with Aristide Houndetoungan and Cristelle Kouame, May 2024, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16998.

with Abu Siddique and Yves Zenou, April 2024, CEPR Discussion Paper No 19034

with Pauline Grosjean, Saumitra Jha, and Yves Zenou, December 2023, CEPR Discussion Paper No 18721.

You can find a VoxEU column based on this paper here

with Aristide Houndetoungan, Asad Islam, and Yves Zenou, October 2023, CEPR Discussion Paper No 18538.

with John A. List, Fatemeh Momeini, and Yves Zenou, April 2023, CEPR Discussion Paper No 18134. 

You can find a VoxEU column based on this paper here

with Thomas Gall and Xiaocheng Hu, May 2023, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16123.

with Asad Islam, Yves Zenou, and Xin Zhang, July 2021, CEPR Discussion Paper No 16321.

with Vincent Boucher, Semih Tumen, Jackie Wahba, and Yves Zenou, April 2021, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 15528.

with Spyros Galanis, August 2014, IZA Discussion Paper No. 8442.

with John Bluedorn and Akos Valentinyi, first version November 2009, current version June 2010.

You can find a VOX column based on this paper here

Published Research

31. Delivering Remote Learning Using a Low-tech Solution: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Bangladesh,  (with Liang Choon Wang, Asad Islam, and Hashibul Hassan)

Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, forthcoming.

30. Training Teachers for Diversity Awareness: Impact on School Attendance of Refugee Children  (with Semih Tumen and Jackie Wahba)

Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming.

29. Improving Women's Mental Health During a Pandemic  (with Abu Siddique, Tabassum Rahman, Debayan Pakrashi, Asad Islam, and Firoz Ahmed)

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 16(2), 422-55, 2024.

28. Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy using Local Ambassadors: A Randomized Controlled Trial in  Indonesia  (with Asad Islam, Gita Kusnadi, Jahen Rezki, Armand Sim, Giovanni van Empel, and Yves Zenou)

European Economic Review, 163, 104683, 2024.

27. Paying for what kind of performance? Performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs, (with Daniel Jones, Mirco Tonin, and Pun Winichakul)

Games and Economic Behavior, 142, 480-507, 2023. 

26. Symbolic Incentives and the Recruitment of Volunteers for Citizen Science Projects (with Simona Cicognani, Sebastian Stein, and Mirco Tonin)

Oxford Economic Papers, 75(4), 923–940, 2023.

25. When Reality Bites: Local Deaths and Vaccine Take-up (with Corrado Giulietti and Yves Zenou)

European Economic Review, 156, 104463, 2023.

24. Market Competition and Discrimination (with Abu Siddique and Yves Zenou)

European Economic Review, 152, 104361, 2023.

23. Peers, Gender, and Long-Term Depression (with Corrado Giulietti and Yves Zenou)

European Economic Review, 144, 104084, 2022.

22. Stigma and Misconceptions in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Field Experiment in India  (with Asad Islam, Debayan Pakrashi, and Liang Choon Wang)

Social Science & Medicine, 278, 113966, 2021.

21. Cooperation in a Fragmented Society: Experimental Evidence on Syrian Refugees and Natives in Lebanon (with Michalis Drouvelis, Bilal Malaeb and Jackie Wahba) 

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 187, 176-191, 2021.

20. Class Size Effects in Higher Education: Differences across STEM and Non-STEM Fields (with Elif Kara and Mirco Tonin)

Economics of Education Review, 82, 102104, 2021.

19. ``The Good News about Bad News": Information about Past Organisational Failure and its Impact on Worker Productivity (with Sabrina Jeworrek and Vanessa  Mertins)

Leadership Quarterly, 101500, 2021.

18. Competitive Preferences and Ethnicity: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh (with Abu Siddique) 

Economic Journal, 130(627), 793-821, 2020.

17. When the Market Drives you Crazy: Stock Market Returns and Fatal Car Accidents (with Corrado Giulietti and Mirco Tonin)

Journal of Health Economics, 70, 102245, 2020.

16. Voting as a War of Attrition (with Max Kwiek and Helia Marreiros)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 167, 104-121, 2019.

15. Dynamic Incentive Effects of Assignment Mechanisms: Experimental Evidence (with Thomas Gall and Xiaocheng Hu)

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 28(4), 687-712, 2019.

14. Racial Discrimination in Local Public Services: A Field Experiment in the US (with Corrado Giulietti and Mirco Tonin)

Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 17, Issue 1, 165-204, 2019.

13. ``Now that you mention it": A Survey Experiment on Information, Inattention and Online Privacy (with Helia Marreiros, Mirco Tonin and m.c. schraefel)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 140, 1-17, 2017.

12. Sharing One’s Fortune? An Experimental Study on Earned Income and Giving (with Mirco Tonin)

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 66, 112-118, 2017. 

11. ``Putting a Foot in the Door”: Volunteer Hiring and Organizational Form 

The Manchester School, 85(2), 133-162, 2017.

10. An Experimental Study of Voting with Costly Delay (with Max Kwiek and Helia Marreiros)

Economics Letters, 140, 23-26, 2016.

9. Corporate Philanthropy and Productivity: Evidence from an Online Real Effort Experiment (with Mirco Tonin)

Management Science, 61(8), 1795-1811, 2015.

8. Peer Pressure and Productivity: The Role of Observing and Being Observed (with Sotiris Georganas and Mirco Tonin)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 117, 223-232, 2015.

7. Are Public Sector Workers Different? Cross-European Evidence from Elderly Workers and Retirees  (with Mirco Tonin)

   IZA Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 4:11, 2015.

6.  An Experimental Investigation of Intrinsic Motivations for Giving (with Mirco Tonin)

Theory and Decision, 76(1), 47-67, 2014.

5. Cheating in the Workplace: An Experimental Study of the Impact of Bonuses and Productivity (with David Gill and Victoria Prowse)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 96, 120-134, 2013.

4. Experimental Evidence of Self-Image Concerns as Motivation for Giving (with Mirco Tonin)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 90, 19-27, 2013.

3. Disentangling the Sources of Pro-socially Motivated Effort: A Field Experiment (with Mirco Tonin)

Journal of Public Economics, 94(11-12), 1086-1092, 2010.

2. Quality, Reputation and the Choice of Organizational Form

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 71(2), 515-527, 2009.

1. Pro-Social Motivation and the Delivery of Social Services (with Patrick Francois)

CESifo Economic Studies, 54(1), 22 – 54, 2008.