Sample Syllabus

Contract Drafting and Analysis – Spring Semester 2020

Units: 2

Term/Day/Time: Spring Semester 2020; half days on January 18 and February 8 and 22; full days on January 25 and February 29

Location: Room ___

Instructor: Michael Roster

Office: ___

Office Hours: By arrangement, in addition to optional one-on-one 30-minute meeting with each student that will likely be held on ___ and with a signup sheet circulated at Session 3.

Contact Info: ___

Course Description

This course requires you to learn from your own work and that of your classmates. As will be expected for the rest of your career, a key function of the course is to help you think independently and become professionally calibrated – that is, comfortable determining the relevant legal principles and then applying them to the client’s needs, priorities and circumstances. A wide range of resources will be available on Blackboard, but it will be up to you to use these and other materials as you think appropriate.

In this regard, the course is based on the concept of “learning by doing,” with the goal that students are functioning at a first-year attorney level or higher in contracts by the end of the course. Feedback will be similar to the types of performance reviews used at law firms and companies. Among other things, Prof. Roster was a law firm managing partner and practice group chair and then spent 14 years as a general counsel.

The course will start with an introduction to the standard terms and structure of a contract. Students will then examine a broad range of contracts in actual use (typical business agreement, law firm retainer letter, consumer credit card agreement, web site terms of use, etc.) and present to the class their assessment of why provisions were likely drafted as they were and what alternatives might be considered. Students will then draft a simple version of a contract and then write an opinion letter interpreting a complex contract. The final third of the course will be team presentations with the rest of the class functioning as the client’s CEO, CFO, general counsel and other senior managers.

The course will meet in five intensive Saturday class sessions with three going a half day (through lunch on January 18 and February 8 and 22) and two going a full day (January 25 and February 29) since these will be double sessions. The course will be finished at the end of February.

Grading will be based upon (a) written assignments, which generally will be limited to a maximum of 3 to 5 pages in length; and (b) classroom participation in a law firm type setting, and later through the team projects and presentations.

Learning Outcomes

Functioning at a one-year attorney level or higher in contracts, as shown in the Law Firm Associate Competencies Chart as posted on Blackboard. Among other things:

· Able to assess a broad range of contracts for style, content and effectiveness for their specific purposes.

· Able to draft a basic contract including making decisions as to what is essential and what can be left out (professional calibration).

· Able to analyze a complex contract and apply the analytical and writing disciplines required when preparing a formal law firm opinion letter.

· Able to work as part of a team to draft a standard business contract and then brief the client.

Prerequisite(s); co-requisite(s), or recommended preparation: None

Required Materials (e.g., textbooks or other): None

Optional Materials

Optional reading materials for effective writing, effective presentations, etc. are available with the course materials as posted on Blackboard.

Description and Assessment of Assignments

A detailed chart of the knowledge and skills to be learned and assessed for each session and each of the four assignments is shown in the Session Schedule in the first folder on Blackboard.

Grading Breakdown

A detailed chart of the factors and weightings for each of the four assignments is shown in the Course Assessment Factors and Weightings in the first folder on Blackboard.

Course Schedule: see the Session Schedule for further details

Session 1 - half day - cram session

  • Basics of a standard contract and contract drafting

  • Template for sample all-inclusive contract, with assigned student questions

  • Review the template prior to the first session and be prepared for assigned questions

Session 2 – full day - student analysis of ten sample groups of contracts

  • Analyze an assigned standard type of contract

  • Prepare memo and classroom briefing

Session 3 – half day - drafting a simple contract

  • Select one of four client matters and prepare a draft contract and transmittal memo to the client

Session 4 – half day - interpreting a complex contract

  • Review a complex contract and write a formal opinion letter with conclusion and analysis

Session 5 – full day - team drafting of a standard business contract followed by in-class briefings of clients

  • Work together in teams; allocate responsibilities; draft contract and prepare for in-class client briefings

After final session

  • Evaluate the other three teams with allocation of payments along with written feedback to each of the other teams