Do I need to know what I want to do post high school?
Many high schoolers don’t yet know what they want to do. And that’s perfectly fine. In fact, students are likely to change their minds multiple times, perhaps even after they enter the workforce. And some of tomorrow’s careers might not exist today.
Settling on just one occupation in high school isn’t necessary. But looking into the types of careers you might like can help set you up for success.
How do I get an understanding of what I could do post-high school?
Understanding what you enjoy—and what you’re good at—is the first step in exploring careers. What do you like to learn about? It’s important to think about what you like to do because work will eventually be a big part of your life.
What resources can help me explore career options?
Websites such as MyNext Move help with career exploration!
What are the first steps I need to take to get started with my goals post high school?
A great place to start is scheduling time to meet with your school counselor. Email them today to get the ball rolling!
What if I don't want to go to college?
That's completely fine! College isn't for everyone, and their are plenty of careers where you can thrive without a college degree. Our Homepage has links to several resources to help you explore your next steps!
What if I do want to go to college?
The best place to start is scheduling time with your school counselor. Meeting with them allows you to do a deep dive on your grades, school interests, and will give you a better understanding on the necessary steps to begin the process.
Where am I able to explore college options?
Sites such as Naviance and College Board allow you to search schools that pique your interests and also view the expectations for incoming applicants. Using these tools provides the transparency needed when narrowing down what schools best suit you and your needs.
How do I schedule a meeting with my school counselor?
You Can Book Me is a quick way to make an appointment.
Mrs. Dunn ~ YouCanBookMe Link: https://rileydunn.youcanbook.me
Ms. Moore ~ YouCanBookMe Link: https://nmoore.youcanbook.me/