
Junior Reserved Officer Training Course Program has many after school programs and teams that your child can join. Joining a Team is a wonderful way for your child to make new friends. It is a great start for college applications.


Armed Fancy Drill team

The Armed Fancy Drill Team consists of hard-work, unity, and precision. We work together to strengthen ourselves physically and mentally. We focus on rifle inspection, regulation, and exhibition. The rifle weighs 8.69 pounds in which we use for parades such as Veterans Day parade, school functions like our annual super pep rally, and competitions. For example, Golden Bear Nationals that we work hard to prepare for.

​Unarmed Fancy Drill Team

​ Being part of this team doesn't require movement with a rifle, rather as much creating beat and formations with sharp movements with other team members. These students use their feet and hands to create these beats.

​Color Guard

Color Guard is a team that uses flags and rifles to present the national colors at special events. One unit consists of the commander carrying the American flag, the organizational flag, and the left and right guards wielding rifles. Color Guard performs in synchronization and in a sharp manner. The team also puts their regulation skills to the test at competition within the district.

Drum Corps

Unlike the other teams with drill and rifles, we focus on playing the drums. No music reading is required to know to be on this team, but you just need to have a feel for the rhythm. Although we don't participate in competitions, Drum Corps plays at pep rallies, basketball/football games, parades and other school activities to make up for it. We help to bring out the school spirit in everyone. When you hear the sound of our drums, the party begins.

Youth Physical Fitness

Youth Physical Fitness (YPF) is a team that emphasize the importance of being healthy and instills in members habits that contribute to life long fitness.

Pushup Squad

Pushup Squad is the second new team that has been established upon Colonel Hungerford's arrival. They do pushups at each football game to raise morale and encouragement throughout the football field and with the students.


Compared to any of the other teams here in Morse AJROTC, Archery is one of the two new teams that has been established upon the arrival of the new SAI Colonel Hungerford. This team helps focus on the technical and mental skill development all the while shooting a target with a bow and arrow.