Battalion Staff


Check out this special video from the battalion staff !!

Battalion Command Sergeant Major

c/CSM Myers, Zanya

Battalion Commander

c/LTC Angeles, Brett

Battalion Headquarters Commandant

c/MAJ Puno, Fiona

Battalion Executive Officer

c/MAJ Rule, Patrick

Battalion S-1 Adjutant

c/CPT Soriano, Tert

Battalion S-1 NCOIC

c/MSG Lisama, Catherine

Battalion S-2 Intelligence/Security Officer

c/CPT Rantins, Peter

Battalion S-2 NCOIC

c/MSG Baldarrama, Neo

Battalion S-3 Operations Officer

c/MAJ Murphy, Elizabeth

Battalion S-3 NCOIC

c/MSG Selahri, Yesenia

Battalion S-4 Supply Officer

c/CPT Buenaventura, Brandon

Battalion S-4 NCOIC

c/MSG Cesar, Alexie

Battalion S-5 Public Affairs Officer

c/CPT Lorenzo, Jasmine

Battalion S-5 NCOIC

c/SFC Kawamoto, Nikka

[ messages from us to you all ]

Being as an S5 assistant, it was truly an amazing year to be working with our wonderful S5 and to each and every cadet. Keep your guys heads up and make sure to keep our streaks for CADET PICNIC !! I wish all the upcoming staff the best and for more improvement into our program !! xx

- nikka kawamoto, morse battalion s5 ncoic of 2018-2019

i’m so glad i got the opportunity to be your public affairs officer for this year and that i got to create new bonds with such amazing people. thank you for all your motivation for this program and i hope to see it grow more in the future! this year had so many wins, ESPECIALLY third place stillwell !! do whatever yall can and bring that first place to it’s rightful home c:

and with that, i’m off to a new chapter in the adult world !!╰(*´︶`*)╯♡

- jasmine lorenzo, morse battalion s5 of 2018-2019

Battalion S-6 Communications Officer

c/CPT Lipa, Jerald

Battalion S-6 NCOIC

c/MSG Conlu, Shaylee

Battalion S-8 Finance Officer

c/CPT Sarne, Eria

Battalion S-8 NCOIC

c/MSG Fulgencio, Karlyn

Battalion Liason Officer

c/CPT Enjambre, Destiny

Battalion LNO NCOIC

c/SFC Buclatin, Jennica

Battalion Maintenance Officer

c/CPT Arcelao, Allen

Battalion MO NCOIC

c/MSG Agorrilla, Ruth

Brigade J-2

C/LTC Butte, Tatiana