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 You can find your zodiac sign on this table! 

I've transformed the HINOMARU of X2E-DAO's generative NFT "MHS" into the Eto (Japanese Zodiac) symbol.

 NO Utility, NO Roadmap. 

The 888 "Eto-maru" generative NFTs were created by the individual creator, rippi.

 What's your zodiac sign?

 Come and get your ETOMARU, the Eto-maru NFT! 

What is MHS?

This is a fan-made artwork of X2E-DAO's generative NFT "My HERO Sidekicks" called MHS Eto Style. It transforms the character "Hinomaru" from MHS into the zodiac signs of Japan, creating a unique fan art piece. 

 Opensea | My HERO Sidekicks 

 MHS Eto Style has collaborated with KAMIYO, the generative NFT from the Kojiki Project!

Kojiki-project KAMIYO

The Kojiki Project is a collective of creators who turn Japan's oldest historical book, the Kojiki, into entertainment. They have released a generative NFT called "KAMIYO," which is inspired by the gods and goddesses of Japan that appear in the Kojiki.

Kojiki-project's English introduction blog is here♪

What are KAMIYO NFTs by Kojiki Project? 




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