How do I get AL?

Applications are now invited in PREMINT. It is already closed.

When was ETOMARU born?

ETOMARU was born on Sunday, March 5, 2023

What kind of project is it?

This "MHS Eto Style" is a fan creation of the "My HERO Sidekicks (MHS)" generative NFTs from X2E-DAO.

 I was responsible for illustrating some parts of the "My HERO Sidekicks (MHS)" and "X2E-VILLAINS" collections. 

For this "MHS Eto Style," I created all the illustrations myself. 

The system for minting and other processes was handled by kenchiro-san (@kenchiro_pt).

 I will be managing everything related to this collection alone moving forward. I am a solo creator, so this collection does not have any utility or roadmap.

I hope that people who acquire the ETOMARU NFTs, which depict the Japanese zodiac animals, will enjoy and share them with others, as it will increase the value of the artwork. I drew these illustrations hoping to generate interest in Japanese culture among people from other countries.

I am also involved in the Kojiki-project, a group of creators who use Japan's oldest historical book, the Kojiki, as a source of entertainment. This "MHS Eto Style" collection was created in collaboration with Kojiki-project's generative NFT, "KAMIYO". I used some parts of KAMIYO's NFTs, and the parts that were used are marked with "with_kamiyo".

I would like to spread my collection to the world! Please support and spread the word. Thank you for reading!

Where is the Opensea collection site?