
Note. This website was auto-converted by Google from the old Google Sites platform to the new Google Sites platform. In the process, a number of hyperlinks were lost. I am slowly replacing them.

This is the website for the Spring 2021 edition of MGT 780: Social Network Analysis, a Ph.D. level course taught each Spring by Steve Borgatti at the University of Kentucky. The course is offered under the auspices of the LINKS Center at the Gatton College of Business and Economics, as well as the Dept. of Sociology. Here is the syllabus and the schedule for semester. Drop-ins are welcome. The 2021 class meets Tuesdays 10-12:30 in B&E 399 and will also be zoomed. (Meeting id 88669001511. Contact sborgatti@uky.edu for details)

The focus of this course is doing social network research. As such, the focus is on the theoretical concepts and methodology of social network analysis. We do not focus on the empirical findings of the field to date. For that, I recommend MGT 795 Social Networks and Organizations taught by Dan Brass, usually in the Fall.

FYI, the website for previous editions of this class are available. The websites are very similar, so you have to be careful not to mix them up. BTW, the short name for this website is mgt780.net