Social Determinants of Health Screen


Intro script:

During this COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many disruptions to routine life. Many people are finding themselves in new situations and having to ask for help for the first time. There is a lot of information out there and resources are changing daily. Although we may not find something to fit your needs right now, we are asking all patients these questions in an attempt to connect you with the right people and resources - and give you tools to seek out these resources in the future.

Screen (if positive, refer to social work):

  1. Will you or have you lost your job because of COVID-19?

  2. Are you worried about accessing benefits because of your immigration status?

  3. Are you worried about food or medicines running out before you get money to buy more?

  4. Are you worried about not having enough money to pay next month's rent or your heating and electricity bills?

  5. Do you have a working phone and/or internet? What number is best for a resource specialist to reach you?

  6. Do you have other family members or friends in the home?

    • Do you have children that are home and not attending school right now?

    • Are any people > 70 years old with medical problems?

    • Are any people sick at home? (if so, ask them to seek care)