1. The Araullians' SSG has the power which emanates from the student body. It is an autonomous, unified, and the highest democratic representative of the student body.

2. The Araullians' SSG upholds and adheres to the Mission Statement of the Department of Education "to protect and to promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based and complete basic education" where "students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe and motivating environment."

3. The Araullians' SSG is founded on the principles of participatory democracy, responsible servant-leadership, collaboration, unity, accountability, and efficiency in serving the student body.

4. The Araullians' SSG is committed to putting these values, principles, and ideals into action through academic, socio-civic, leadership programs and activities.


1. The Araullians' SSG is at the forefront of the student's rights and welfare, and the model of the students' excellence, grounded on good character, and a deep sense of moral values.

2. The Araullians' SSG aims:

2.1 To help students develop passionate love of country, values, and competencies that will enable them to realize their full potential and to contribute meaningfully in building the nation;

2.2 To represent the students in the policy-making body of the school concerning the students' rights and welfare;

2.3 To help develop a student-friendly, safe, and motivating learning environment;

2.4 To nurture an inclusive, service-oriented, gender-sensitive, and environmentally conscious community;

2.5 To help develop self-confidence, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and learning among the student body and to utilize these skills in contributing towards nation building;

2.6 To empower the students to strive for excellence in academics, leadership, and social responsibility; to encourage the students to be proactive members of society;

2.7 To uphold the values, principles, and ideals of the Department of Education;

2.8 To serve, to protect, and to promote the rights and welfare of every student.


1. The Araullians' SSG is the highest governing body of the students.

2. The Araullians' SSG pursues at all times, the values of honesty and integrity in service, renouncing all forms of corruption and acts which are contrary to the rules and regulations of the school and the Department of Education.

3. The Araullians' SSG encourages open communication and dialogue with other student organizations, movements, and other sectors of society not inconsistent with its principles and purposes.

4. The Araullians' SSG remains at all times, accountable, and transparent with all of its transactions involving the interest of its constituents whom they must serve with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, efficiency, and professionalism.

5. The Araullians' SSG strives to pursue an independent stand, not dictated by any other sector, other than the students, as long as these are not contrary to the Mission - Vision Statement and Core Values of the Department of Education.