Kemeneth MSM | MSM Community

Eseleth | Membership

Deus ha bos Esel MSM sodhek ha Tasek dre klyckya an boton a-woles.

Become an official MSM Member and Patron by clicking the button below.

Dre dos ha bos Esel MSM, ty a wra agan gweres pesya provia chonsyow rag fleghes yowynk ha'ga theylu dhe wul devnydh a'n yeth Kernewek avel ran aga bewnans pubdedhyek.

By becoming a Member of MSM you will be enabling us to continue to provide opportunities for young children and their families to use the Cornish language as part of their everyday lives.

Dre dos ha bos Tasek hag Esel maga ta, ty a wra surhe bos Kernewek moy salow y'n termyn a dheu.

By becoming a Patron as well as a member you are ensuring that the Cornish language has a more secure future.

Argevro | Donation

Make a one off or regular donation to MSM and help to ensure the continued work of the organisation.

Kestava Genen | Stay in Touch

Ragbrenn dh'agan lyther nowodhow rag kestava gans gwriansow MSM.

Subscribe to our newsletter to keep informed about what MSM are doing.

Diwettha | Latest

Speak Cornish Week 2020

Speak Cornish Week is between 22 June to 26 June 2020. During the week there is a competition running for children between the ages of 5 and 11 years (see poster above).

New Animation

The first cartoon episode of the Porth stories will be released soon. created by The Engine House in Redruth the episode will be used to find a commissioning partner.

Ragressow | Projects

Kanow ha Hwedhlow

An opportunity to share languages and cultures within our community and with our community

Ted a Rewl an Bys

Launch of translation into Cornish of the children's book Ted Rules the World by Frank Cottrell Boyce

Professional Development

MSM run professional development events for people who work with children

Skol y'n Koos

MSM has led forest school events for young children and their families