About us

The Joint Retiree Activities Board (JRAB) is organized by volunteer members from the retired military community.   These officers and enlisted persons are largely from Minnesota and Wisconsin areas surrounding the Twin Cities metro area.  The JRAB is a loosely organized group now known as Joint Retirement Activities Board - MN.

The RAD planning is conducted as follows:

Monthly JRAB meeting are held, usually starting in January, to plan the annual RAD event which is normally held on a Saturday in mid to late September.  The RAD is the primary activity sponsored by JRAB but not limited to it.

Contact Us

Navy / Marine Corps  - Retired Activities Office (RAO): 612.713-4664

Office is open first or second Thursday of the month: 1000 - 1400

Email: CoryPaulsen@Outlook.com

Air Force - Retired Activities Office (RAO): 1(800) 231-3517 or locally at 612.713-1516

Office is currently closed