MeshLab 2020.12 has been released. With this version, we dismiss meshlabserver in favour of PyMeshLab, our new Python library for mesh batch processing using MeshLab filters.

 We release also a new version that stores data with double precision. For further details, you can read the discussion in our GitHub page.

It is sad to say... but current meshlab does support loading files with several textures (for example .ply and .obj), but AFAIK it does not let the user choose the texture/material to apply in each moment.It should be very easy to write a custom plugin to rotate between textures, but it is not done.

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I am relatively new to using meshlab and I have a few questions. I have looked elsewhere for help but couldn't quite find the necessary information for what I need.

In short, I have been using meshlab to convert a complex .stl model into an XYZ point cloud with normals. In meshlab, this means importing the .stl file and exporting it as a .xyz file with normals. So I'm not really using more complex functions that meshlab has to offer for my project. However, I would like to automate this, ideally from the command line (possibly writing a shell script to do this) since I will be processing the .xyz file within MATLAB. Is there a way to do this particular conversion from a unix command line?

Yes, you want the meshlabserver program. This can run MeshLab on the command line and execute mlx filter scripts, however for a simple conversion you may not even need a filter script. The command would be similar to:

Recently when I try to convert the tri mesh into a quad mesh, I have some difficulties saving it. After exporting my quad mesh, the file seems to be automatically adding Faux edges. Is there a way in meshlab to turn the addition of faux edges off? I have seen people posting about how to perform such actions back in version 2016, but after the update happend at the beginning of the year, I cannot find this option.

I thought that I would post this, considering it took a little bit to work out, and I dont know where else to put it. I wanted to take a lot of meshes and convert them between ply and obj using meshlab.

Nice script! One caveat to note (which you may be aware of but others may not) is that meshlabserver does not output files with the same default options as the gui; you need to explicitly specify these with the -om switch (or -m if you're using v1.3.4). For example, if your ply files contain vertex colors they will be lost on conversion unless you specify -om vc.

I just solved the same issue. The problem for me was that meshlab was not listed in the context menu of Nautilus under "Open With Other Application". This was caused by the desktop launcher (/usr/share/applications/meshlab.desktop) that comes with the meshlab installation from the repository. I found the solution here.

Direct coding of URDF files even using Xacro is cumbersome, and even more so as your models grow in complexity. Meshlab is fantastic and cost effective for creating the robot model components (stl) that one would want to put together in an articulated URDF model, however you still have to create the articulations between them manually, which makes for prettier models, but still leaves a tremendous amount of manual effort. Has anyone figured out how to go from Meshlab (freeware) to URDF that they can share here that does not involve having to buy other commercial software? David Lu has a nice tutorial on how to pull this off with non-freeware CAD software. Instead of using Meshlab he uses ProEngineer for the modelling combined with a SimMechanics plug in (also not free) that creates the linkage information. A great first step, however the ROS community would really benefit from a more cost effective open source based solution either using meshlab or some similar open source approach that would not involve having to purchase additional commercial software to bridge the gap between a nice open source GUI modeller such as Meshlab and the end product of a URDF. Hoping some bright person out there has already figured this out and can share their insights.Thanks in advance.-Scott

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Recommended PostsSuki HiranoPosted May 18, 2012Suki HiranoResident  610Share Posted May 18, 2012 I went through some old creations I did and wanted to convert them to dae to upload to SL via Meshlab. I imported the .obj file into Meshlab, which displays fine, then I clicked "export as", then chose "collada .dae", which exported fine as well. But when I try to upload the model to SL it says "error: material of model is not a subset of model" at the bottom left, there is no preview picture, and there is a "missing required level of detail". Does anyone know what these errors mean? Some specific settings I need to set in meshlab to export?

When finished, click on Close to accept and then Export the Mesh to the .stl file. Voila !! Keep doing this until you reach an acceptable mesh density. You can verify the change visually in meshlab, but the easiest change is that the file size will half with my settings. Go too far and your object will start to look like the polygon puppy, so find that happy medium and experiment.

I installed a program called meshlab which seems to have changed something causing a search of 'cmd' to return a command prompt named meshlabserver. It is a normal command prompt window as far as i can tell, aside from the name and the working directory being something meshlab related.

I use kinect and skanect to scan with. I am finding that a head/shoulder scan when saved as a STL is about 75mb. When I try to import it to meshlab I get an end of file error.Any meshlab users out there that can tell me why? Is there a file size limit maybe?

MeshLab is an open source, portable, and extensible system for the processing and editing of unstructured large 3D triangular meshes. It is aimed to help the processing of the typical not-so-small unstructured models arising in 3D scanning, providing a set of tools for editing, cleaning, healing, inspecting, rendering and converting this kind of meshes. These tools include MeshLab proper, a versatile program with a graphical user interface, and meshlabserver, a program that can perform mesh processing tasks in batch mode, without a GUI. 17dc91bb1f

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