
Hi, My name is Lily. I am an English teacher in Flagstaff, Arizona. I have a wonderful and supportive husband, Paul, a daughter, Genevieve, a son, Antonio, and a dog named Mr. Darcy. I have been knitting since I was 8 years old, spinning yarn since I was 27, and I started dyeing yarn in 2020. I love the multitude of options available with the type of yarn, thickness, and color. My goal is to open a yarn café where people can come and craft, relax, and develop a welcoming community. 

If you would like to contact me, please fill out the form below or email me at merinoyvino@gmail.com. Happy crafting!

Mission Statement

Merino y Vino LLC is designed to provide high-quality hand-dyed and hand-spun yarns. We encourage and actively support a multi-cultural and diverse community. We are an inclusive company, and there is no room for hate, racism, sexism, or prejudice here. A few times each year we will donate a percentage of our earnings to various groups. I hope that people will use my yarns to work on their creative pursuits and to find joy along the journey. Knitting, crochet, and fiber arts unleash a path of life-long learning that keys into all of the senses, and I hope that my yarn brings this endeavor into your life.