Workshop Organizers

Matthew Brehmer

Tableau Research, USA

Matthew Brehmer is a lead research staff member of Tableau Research in Seattle, USA, where he specializes in new experiences for interpersonal communication with and around data. Prior to joining Tableau, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research specializing in storytelling and visualization beyond the desktop, which followed his PhD research on information visualization at the University of British Columbia. He was a co-organizer of the first workshop on visualization on mobile devices at CHI 2018, and a co-organizer of the VisInPractice event at IEEE VIS between 2018 and 2021. In 2022, he was elected to the VIS Executive Committee (VEC) and appointed to the IEEE Visualization and Computer Graphics Technical Community (VGTC) Executive Committee. Website:

Maxime Cordeil

University of Queensland, Australia

Maxime Cordeil is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland, Australia. Dr. Cordeil has been recognised Australia’s top researcher in computer graphics (2021, 2022). His research focuses on human-computer interaction, data visualisation and analytics. He has published over 60 journal and conference in top venues such as ACM CHI, IEEE VIS or IEEE VR. Dr. Cordeil is a key international member of the Immersive Analytics community of researchers, and has organised several workshops on the topic of Immersive Analytics (“IA Workshop series” at VIS 2017, CHI 2018, CHI 2019, CHI 2020, and CHI 2022). The activities of the IA community focuses on designing and evaluating the future graphical user interfaces for data analysis in Virtual / Augmented Reality. Website:

Christophe Hurter

University of Toulouse, France

Christophe Hurter is a Professor working at the University of Toulouse, France, leading the Interactive Data Visualization group (DataVis) of the French Civil Aviation University (ENAC). His research covers explainable A.I. (XAI), big data manipulation and visualization (InfoVis), immersive analytics, and human-computer interaction (HCI). He investigates the design of scalable visual interfaces and the development of pixel-based techniques. He is an associate researcher at the research center for the French Military Air Force Test Center (CReA, Base militaire de Salon de Provence) and at the Brain and Cognition Research Center (CerCo, Hospital University Center of Toulouse). He published 2 books, 4 book chapters, 20 patents, 25 journal papers, more than 100 per reviewed international research papers. Website: hurter

Takayuki itoh

Ochanomizu University, Japan

Takayuki Itoh is a full professor of the department of information sciences in Ochanomizu University, Japan since 2011, and the director of the center for artificial intelligence and data science of the university since 2019. He was a researcher at Tokyo Research Laboratory of IBM Japan during 1992 to 2005. He has been an associate professor in Ochanomizu University since 2005, and a full professor since 2011. He is the general chair of Graph Drawing 2022, the general chair of IEEE Pacific Visualization 2018, short paper co-chair of IEEE VIS 2023, and organizing members of other many international conferences. His representative studies include fast iso surface generation, hierarchical data visualization, network visualization and multidimensional data visualization. Website: itot