
Data Visualisation Solutions

Fully-intergrated information display and audio systems using open source technology.

Our recording solution incorporates audio and visual communication system in order to address the challenges in open-source framework. It also includes  data Visualisation solution using Internet Protocol (IP) with the flexibility in terms of scaling and provides an all-in-one platform that can give leverage to smart audio-visual communication. Our open-sourced solution has extended features and advanced functionality which includes  Audio-visual recording, Content Distribution, File managent and Storage integration. We can easily deploy a  conferencing, music or video recording solution to create custom communication in an open-source platform.

Project Portfolio

Our Smart solution provides endless possibilities for on-premise facility communication needs. It may be centralised or multiple locations with large number of users and/or devices. In any of the case with our platform, we can build  a complete stable data visualisation solution. It is an easy to use browser based  real-time communication tool with several possibility that allows us to easily setup your telephone system. We utilise the most advanced techniques to ensure our security and monitoring services are secured. With simplified infrastructure, reduced cabling requirements and fewer man hours to operate, Our solution has the potential to reduce system costs by up to 40 percent while offering everything that you need including custom application hosting, remote/hosted database integration, and visualisation solutions. Therefore, deploying and commissioning the system will be hassle-free and fast. 

Our technicians will also maintain the system and ensure that it performs with the same initial perfection till the time you need it. Our budget-friendly and reliable service ensure maximum Return-On-Investment. Click on the links for more information or request an obligation free consultation:

c. 2018, MEP Digital Systems (Pty) Ltd.