
Data Aggregation Solutions

Operational Technology Infrastructure & Information Management Systems.

The challenge in operational technology lays in the data collection and processing on-demand using multiple devices or platforms. We provide data access solutions that are designed to meet on-demand services while ensuring that orgaisations are able to secure their data

Our data access control solution distributes data with or without cables making it accessible when transporting to and from various remote or edge processing systems. We support various open standards, defined by many Internet-of-Things (IoT) OEMs when converting data into information either through cloud or on-premise platforms. Our solution is therefore designed for any architecture and also accommodates any extension on middleware or stand-alone components for third-party or customer-specific requirements. Our data access control solutions are platform-independent, therefore the client can run on various devices with possible use cases. Additionally our solution can also be integrated into the physical and cybersecurity systems.

Project Portfolio

Our systems comply with quality standard modular architecture (for better testing and maintainability), middleware agnostic and platform independent. This ensures that any system can be easily be integrated in a simple way to the existing core infrastructure - and this can be done across platforms. We ensure interoperability of our open-sourced network monitoring solution which is regularly tested with the pre-compliance tests directly on the target system. In addition, we carry out automatic unit testing including on the respective target platforms. Therefore, deploying and commissioning the network will be hassle-free and fast. 

Our technicians will also maintain the system and ensure that it performs with the same initial perfection till the time you need it. Our budget-friendly and reliable service ensure maximum Return-On-Investment.   Click on the links for more information or request an obligation free consultation:

c. 2018, MEP Digital Systems (Pty) Ltd.