What is mentoring?

In view of the competitive and challenging character of this academic field, we aim to support the professional development and well being of young researchers in the String Theory community, particularly those belonging to underrepresented groups, by offering a mentoring program.

A mentor is first and foremost a guide, providing advice and support to the mentee as they move through their career.

It is important to understand the role of the mentor and to manage expectations from the relationship.

What is a mentor?

An experienced person who

  • Shares their experience and provides constructive feedback

  • Helps the mentee achieve their career goals and full potential

  • Listens to the mentee without judgement and in confidentiality

  • Provides career advice and guidance

  • Provides a role-model that may be otherwise absent in the mentee’s life

What does a mentor not do ?

  • Provide academic reference letters (personal reference letters may be considered)

  • Help a mentee on a particular research project

  • Directly provide career opportunities (PhD positions etc.)

  • Provide psychological counselling

How does the program work?

It is a yearly program, where the pair mentor/mentee is expected to meet (virtually or in person) once a month.

The process works as follows:

Summer/early September:

Application process, both for mentors and mentees


Mentees get a list of mentors (which includes e.g. on which topics each one can provide help), out of which they give a preference list.

Mentors and mentees are then paired up by the organising commitee. Each pair has to agree and sign a mentorship chart.

September/early October:

Kickoff meeting for all mentors and kickoff meeting for all mentees where more details about the programme are given and plenty of time is dedicated to questions.

October :

First meeting of each pair mentee/mentor. This meeting should repeat monthly


A meeting with all mentors and another one with all mentees to discuss how things are going, eventual difficulties encountered, etc.

September the year after:

The program ends and a final meeting with all mentors and another one with all mentees is organised.

Then the program starts again. If a pair of mentor/mentee wants to continue formally for a second year, they are allowed to do so.

Important: It is the mentee's responsibility to request a mentoring session, and to think beforehand the topics they want to discuss. After every meeting the mentee has to fill in a very short feedback form