Summer 2020

Week 8: Online Learning II

Finkelstein et al., 2005.pdf

Finkelstein et al. When learning about the real world is better done virtually

Feel free to skim through the details of the experiments in both papers.

Moosvi et al., 2019.pdf

Moosvi et al. Can a Hands-On Physics Project Lab be Delivered Effectively as a Distance Lab?

Week 8 discussion questions

Discussion questions

Week 7: Online Learning I

Bates, 2015 (from Teaching in a Digital Age).pdf

Bates, A.W. Unit 9.2 from Teaching in a Digital Age

Darby - How to Be a Better Online Teacher.pdf

Darby, F. How to Be a Better Online Teacher

Originally published in The Chronicle of Higher Education

Week 7 discussion questions

Meeting notes

We want to ask you for a favour...

Feedback form for readings + meetings

We would love to receive feedback on how the reading group is going for you. It would be great if you could fill out this survey regardless of whether you’ve been attending the meetings every week or have just been checking out the readings from time to time. Thank you, and have a great week!

Week 6: Mastery Learning

Khan - Mastery Learning excerpt from The One World Schoolhouse.pdf

Khan, S. Mastery Learning, excerpt from The One World Schoolhouse

Lang - Chp5 Cheating Lessons Learning from Academic Dishonesty.pdf

Lang, J. Chp. 5 from Cheating Lessons

Let's teach for mastery -- not test scores | Sal Khan

This video is optional, but we should consider renaming this group "The Sal Khan fan club".

Week 6 discussion questions

Meeting notes

Week 5: The neuroscience of learning

Khan - How Education Happens excerpt from The One World Schoolhouse.pdf.pdf

Khan, S. How Education Happens, excerpt from The One World Schoolhouse

Aman highly recommends this book

Zull - Chp 7 The Art of Changing the Brain.pdf

Zull, J. Chapter 7 from The Art of Changing the Brain

Week 5 discusssion questions

Meeting notes

Week 4: Psychological Interventions

Miyake et al. Reducing the Gender Achievement Gap.pdf

Miyake et al. Reducing the Gender Achievement Gap in College Science: A Classroom Study of Values Affirmation

Yeager et al. Psychological Interventions Aren’t Magic.pdf

Yeager and Walton Social-Psychological Interventions in Education: They're Not Magic

Week 4 Discussion Questions

Meeting notes

Week 3: Creating more inclusive learning environments

Treisman - Studying Students Studying Calculus.pdf

Treisman, U. Studying Students Studying Calculus: A Look at the Lives of Minority Mathematics Students in College

warren_everyday_sensemaking (diversity in learning science).pdf

Warren et al. Rethinking Diversity in Learning Science: The Logic of Everyday Sense-Making

Week 3 Creating more inclusive learning environments meeting notes

Meeting notes

Week 2: Race and Privilege

McGee and Martin - Stereotype Management.pdf

McGee and Martin ‘‘You Would Not Believe What I Have to Go Through to Prove My Intellectual Value!’’

Focus on pages 1-10 and 16-35

Tatum - Conversations about race (good starting point for understanding racism).pdf

Tatum, B. Chapter 1 from "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?"

This reading is optional. However, it provides great context to have effective discussions about race so we highly recommend it.

Week 2 Race and privilege meeting notes

Meeting notes

Week 1: Motivation

What Makes People Engage With Math | Grant Sanderson | TEDxBerkeley

Check out Grant's YouTube channel, 3blue1brown, it's beautiful!


Chasteen, S. Chapter 3 from How do I help students engage productively in active learning classrooms?

Week 1 Motivation meeting notes

Meeting notes