Physics 009 Projects Gallery

Here are some resources for mentors...

* Please make sure to cite your sources if you want to share any of the projects, and duplicate forms instead of directly editing the linked ones!

Guidelines and list of resources!


Guidelines for mentors

Want a quick overview of some tried and tested best practices? Look no further than this STELLAR  guideline sheet!

Elise Koskelo, Ana Mae Shickich, Paul McKinley, & Callie Morken, Spring 2020

Keck Science Department Resources for Mentors.pdf

Resources for supporting mental and academic well being

A handy 2-page resource list for mentors and students to refer to when in need of some support.

Jasmin Joshi, Fall 2020

5c guide - Chae and Camilla.pdf

STEM Identity Vision Board

A guide to be used as a practical resource to empower individuals to manifest belonging and inspire others to expand and disrupt their definitions of who is a "STEM person." 

Camilla Guo & Chae Park, Spring 2021

PHYS9 Project - What Now_ Revised.pdf

Field Guide for Mentor Session Q&A

Your mentees don't know what to do next...frankly, you don't know what to do next...what now? This handy guide breaks down common mentor session situations and how to navigate them!

Sean Smith, Spring 2021

Physics9 Final Project.pdf

Mentor session self-help flowchart

Do your students seem confused about what to do during mentoring sessions? Print out this helpful flowchart for the classroom!

Martha Castro & Tanya Shah, Fall 2020

A Guide for First-Time Mentors - Vera and Adeena.pdf

Guide for First-Time Mentors

A quick helpful guide for first time mentors!

Vera Berger & Adeena Liang, Spring 2021


How to encourage students using growth mindset language

Here are some examples of language that mentors can use to promote a growth mindset in students!

Yaru Luo, Spring 2021


Mentoring for a
Memorization-Heavy Class

Mentoring a memorization heavy class? Check out this short guide for a few ideas that you can use to help students master the material!

Christine Cannon, Fall 2021


Imposter Syndrome:
Awareness for Mentors

A flyer to raise awareness for imposter syndrome/phenomenon that could help mentors and students. 

Aidan Garton, Kaito Robson, Eric Wang, Fall 2021


Feedback from
Mentors for Faculty

This form allows mentors to tell professors what they think can be done better, both in terms of communication, as well as teaching. Mentors can use this form to raise concerns they have about topics students are struggling with.

Lukas Karapin-Springorum, James Woo, Fall 2021


The 3-Step Guide for Lab TAs

A brief guide outlining the ins and outs of being a Lab TA!

Larry Yu, Fall 2021

niketa,ethan-PMIS vulnerability poster (1).pdf

Facilitating a Vunerable Environment

Vulnerability can be a confusing, scary topic. Our goal is to demystify obstacles to genuine vulnerability by recommending specific, tangible actions. Mentors can implement to improve community-building in and out of the classroom. We chose to communicate these ideas with posters because they are quick and easy to read. Their strategic placement in department lounges and on bulletin boards in all academic disciplines (not just STEM) will increase accessibility to the important information.

We attempted to keep the poster light-on-text, but recognize that its word count and the number of topics addressed may hinder some people from reading it to completion or accessing the additional article linked via QR code. This resource can also be accessed by Mentees; they, too, have an important role in creating classroom environments and can benefit from our resource.

Ethan Fong & Niketa Kou, Spring 2022


Physics 70 Scavenger Hunt

One of the problems we talked about as mentors is that we don’t get to know our mentees until they need us. So halfway through a semester, the night before a midterm a dozen people show up that you don’t know all of a sudden needing your help and you know nothing about them and don’t have time to connect. I brainstormed some ideas of how solve this, but I think a fun way would be to have a scavenger hunt for intro classes the first week of classes that force newbies to get to know the department.

Maddie Jones, Spring 2021


Stereotype Threat and Imposter Syndrome

The purpose of the project is to explain and contrast the concepts of imposter syndrome and stereotype threat through presenting a virtual fun conversation between two mentors. The conversation also brings up the concrete strategies mentors could implement to tackle with these issues. The entire project is presented in several pages of fake ’chat history’. A potential pitfall could be that as the conversation needs to look informal and concise due to its form, the reader might need a little more context beforehand to understand what the conversation is about. The target audience is therefore relatively more experienced mentors, people who have a basic idea of the two concepts or people who have taken this class.

Xuehuai He, Spring 2021

Phys 9 - A Mentor's Guide to Using Inclusive Language in STEM.pdf

A Mentor's Guide to Using Inclusive Language in STEM

Abby Tiller & Kaito Robson, Fall 2022


Tips for Mentors & Mentees in the Research Lab

Hannah Caris, Fall 2022

Peer Mentoring in STEM final project.pdf

Pomona College Mentorship Agreement Form

Inspired by the RHS Roommate Agreement, this leads a discussion between professors and mentors on the mentorship expectations, like if a mentor should check answers, how mentor sessions should be organized and ran, how often communication can happen, etc. This is meant to be discussed in the beginning of the semester between the professor and class mentors.

Nelia Perry, Fall 2022

Sara and Noah Phys 9 Final.pdf

Guidelines for First-time Mentors in STEM Fields

Sara Colando & Noah Benjamin, Fall 2022

Enhancing Student Learning and Retention in Mentor Sessions

Sathya Siddapureddy & Ayame Bluebell, Fall 2022

Pomona College REU Database

Math & Stats, Chemistry, and Physics Summer REU Database

Summer REU database. Can be populated if you have your own summer programs to add (just follow the links on the top of each tab)!

Brianna Huynh, Spring 2023


PhysAstro Department Yearly Timeline

The physics department has lots of traditions and yearly expectations depending on your class year. Here's an infographic that nicely shows them!

Haakon, Spring 2023

PhysAstro Tracks in the Department

Infographic that advertises all the possible tracks in the physics department that aren't just general physics, astrophysics, or astronomy. (Did you know we had an education track?!)

Isabelle Winnick, Spring 2023

PhysAstro Course Sequences 

Infographic that makes the possible course sequences easier to walk through and read during department fairs!

Isabelle Winnick, Spring 2023

PHYS 9 Final Project - Department Timeline

PhysAstro Department Timeline

The physics department has lots of yearly expectations depending on your class year. Here's an infographic that nicely shows them!

Lukas Karapin-Springorum, Spring 2023

Howard Stefanie Final Project Infographic.pdf

Helping Neurodivergent Students Succeed in Mentor Sessions

Incluvity-motivated teaching strategies!

Stefanie Howard, Spring 2023

What is an REU?

Tag Curwen and Amelia Zhao, Spring 2023

Phys009 Final Project_ A field guide to the molecular biology major (Zach von Behren, 2023).pdf

A Field Guide to the Molecular Biology Major

This document is intended to serve as a resource for incoming students in the Molecular Biology department. It includes: A summary of general graduation requirements, Major-specific requirements, An example 4-year plan for classes. Tips on when to apply for summer programs / join a research lab.

Zach von Behren, Spring 2023

Form templates for your convenience :)

Template for collecting feedback

Want to find out how you're doing as a mentor? Duplicate this template and send it out to your class!

Aman Desai & Pei Qin, Spring 2020

End-of-semester mentor reflections

Distribute this survey to your fellow mentors to gather their thoughts at the end of a semester! It would be a great legacy for new mentors in the making.

Paul McKinley, Adam Dvorak, & Kevin Hua, Fall 2020

Survey template regarding collaboration

Use this form to get a sense of how well students are collaborating/being encouraged to collaborate with each other in the class you are mentoring.

Mercy Bickell & Gabriel Konar-Steenberg, Fall 2020

Mentor session ice-breaker questionnaire

Want to get to know your mentees? Send this questionnaire out on the first day of your mentor session.

Kirsten Housen & Alex Werner, Fall 2020

Let's take a look at how we've done....

Results gathered and presented by our lovely researchers.


Survey results on online mentor sessions (Math Dept. edition)

Take a look at the feedback we gathered from Math students in Fall 2020 regarding online mentor sessions.

Chris Meng, Fall 2020

P70 Survey Executive Summary (updated 7-3).pdf

Physics 70 survey (executive summary)

A summary of a detailed report on why students leave the physics major after the introductory course.

Jake Hauser & Isaac Cui, 2019


"The Brilliance Trap" in Pomona Physics Students: Survey Results

We conducted a short survey of Pomona physics students to determine their ideas on whether talent was required to be a physicist.  We found that, while most students surveyed agreed that brilliance was not required to be a physicist, some still reported letting their beliefs of their own brilliance affect the classes they took.

Kylie Thompson, Marckie Zeender, Fall 2021

Other resources we gathered...

Supporting LGBT+ Physicists- A Best Practices Guide for Departments.pdf

Supporting LGBT+ Physicists: A Best Practices Guide for Departments

Submitted by Zoë Haggard, Fall 2020

More great ideas to come from you...