Welcome to the Mental Health in Autism Website

University of Nottingham

Mental Health in Autism (MHAutism) is a research group exploring the unique challenges autistic adults face in relation to mental health problems, self-injury, and thoughts about ending life. We want to understand why autistic people experience these difficulties so we can lobby for better support to improve quality of life for autistic people.

recruitment open for research study!

Are you an autistic adult (diagnosed or self-identifying)? Want to help develop new mental health assessment tools for autistic people? Then please consider taking part in our online survey. Further information and take part here.

Policy brief incorporated into suicide prevention strategy!

The MHAutism team published a policy brief funded by the International Society for Autism Research, Autistica and the Economic and Social Research Council: "Autism Community Priorities for Suicide Prevention". The recommendations from this policy brief have been incorporated into the new DHSC suicide prevention strategy 2023-2028!

new tools available!

The MHAutism project has developed two new tools to measure suicidal thoughts and behaviours, self-harm, and depression, with and for autistic adults.

These tools are free to use for research and educational purposes. You can find out more about these new tools here.


You can access helpful information and support tailored for autistic people in our resources pages here.

MHAutism recognised with national award!

On behalf of MHAutism and all our supporters, Sarah Cassidy accepted a National Autistic Society Professionals Award, in the "Most Impactful Researcher" Category! This is an astounding achievement and amazing recognition for everything the MHAutism team have achieved in partnership with autistic people and those who support them. We look forward to continuing to work together to prevent self-harm and suicide in autistic people.

See our awards page for more details and a complete list of all our awards.