Mind Tricks To Help You Memorize

Storing information is the ultimate purpose of the mind. The information it stores is from our childhood age to our old age. The amount of information a human brain can store is limitless. However, recalling the data stored may prove to be quite a challenge for a majority of people. The capacity with which our minds remember information affects many aspects of our lives. Nevertheless, for people with memorising issues, there are several tricks you can use to regain an active memory recall.

Although all of these methods I am about to tell you work wonders with improving your memory, a shortcut does exist. Smart drugs, or 'Nootropics' as they are sometimes called have become increasingly popular over the last few years with successful entrepreneurs and business owners. To find out more about them, click here

1. Repetition

For those looking for a well-established key to memory, then repetition serves that very purpose. To affirm this thought Napoleon Hill once said any idea, purpose or plan sticks in a person’s mind by the use of repetitive thought. It proves that whatever you continuously repeat assists to help improve Memory. Repetition works well with familiar objects and dates, location and people.

To memorize things faster, ensure that you keep repeating until the information you want to recall sticks in your memory.

2. Turn your words into pictures

Converting your words and turning them into images allows you to create visual signals. The optical signals act like an anchor for your memory. It will enable you to remember people, lists, or even ideas without having to force yourself to recall.

The beautiful thing about pictures is that the mind is visual and, therefore, an image offers you a perfect opportunity to memorize things faster. It also increases your chances of ideal recall of information.

3. Pay attention to your health

Your general health dictates quite a lot when it comes to your memory. The older you get, the more your mind deteriorates. To improve your memorization ability, paying attention to your overall health helps a lot. Ensure you eat proper foods that will play an essential role in enhancing your memory like broccoli, celery, omega-3 foods among others.

It is also essential to exercise. Exercising boosts the working of your brain to an optimum capacity. It is possible to improve your memory because exercise stimulates your nerve cells to strengthen and multiply their interconnections. Therefore, the more you exercise, the more your memory improves.

4. Generate Mnemonics to memorise long lists

Remembering long lists is one of the toughest tasks for the majority of people with recall issues. Mnemonics are patterns of letters, associations, or ideas that you take from long lists to help you recall necessary information. When using mnemonics, whatever letters or sounds you use, empower you to memorize things faster.

Mnemonics help you connect the pattern of letters to the information already embedded in your mind. The quality of memory you acquire by using mnemonics assists you retain data at a faster rate than other methods.

However, it is important to note that for the above tricks to work, you have to ensure you practice them often. As people commonly say practice, practice makes perfect. The more times you use the skills, the more you improve your memory. When you boost your mind, you also develop a majority of aspects of your life.

To get my 100% free 'mastering memory' Ebook with tons more of seriously powerful tricks of the mind, visit www.memoryinsider.com

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