
Sarah Chen (陈淑桦) 

Most Repeatable & Top 10 Cold

YouTube Link: Most Repeatable Sarah Chen 陈淑桦/陳淑樺 Songs

This collection starts with 'Love is the Only Reason'. The next 10 songs are a list of most repeatable songs. Many are not well-known but they are most enduring on repeated play. 

What makes these songs repeatable? There's actually science behind this, and these 10 songs seem to fit characteristics of repeatable songs: simple, predictable, short but beautiful. They bring comfort to our brains.

Left out are a few other highly repeatable songs. Obvious suspects like: Red Dust (滚滚红尘), Dancing of the Light (流光飞舞), and Sunset Follows Me Home (夕阳伴我归), and less obvious ones like: 如梦令, Beauty and Sorrow (美丽与哀愁, 1988), and Rain at the Window (窗前雨). 

2. Top 10 Sarah Chen 陈淑桦/陳淑樺 Cold Songs

YouTube Link: Top 10 Sarah Chen 陈淑桦/陳淑樺 Cold Songs

Sarah Chen has produced incredibly soul-touching pieces throughout her distinguished career. This is a semi-random list of 10 "cold" songs that could have reached the top. 

Why did they go cold? Marketing and copyright problems result in a lack of exposure. In music as in many other aspects of life, familiarity or the "mere exposure effect" increases how much people like something. Familiarity is a strong drive for preference. 

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