Privacy Policy

Memolia Privacy Policy

Memolia Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Policy”) shall stipulate the handling of the information of user of the application Memolia (hereinafter referred to as “App”), which is provided by FromAtom (hereinafter referred to as “we” “our” or “us”). Users of this App (hereinafter referred to as “user” or “users”) shall be deemed to have accepted this Policy and its associated collection and use of user information at the time of the start of using Application.

Disclosure of Personal Information to a Third Party

We shall handle personal information in an appropriate way and shall not disclose it to a third party, except where explicitly noted below.

  • When the user in question had preliminarily consented to its disclosure to a third party.

  • When such disclosure is requested by laws and regulations.

Collection of User Information and its Purpose of Use

For the purpose of improving its convenience, this App may use the tools mentioned below to collect user information in an anonymized way.

When a user uses this App, the information of such user is collected by the above-mentioned tools. The handling of collected user information shall be conducted in compliance with the privacy policy of respective tools, whose URLs are described above.

Delivery of Advertisements

This App may use Google AdMob ( to deliver advertisements. This tool may automatically acquire user information of this App in an anonymized way. Details of information the tool acquires, its purpose of use and disclosure or distribution to a third party can be found in the URL mentioned below.

Amendment of Privacy Policy

Terms of this Policy may be subject to change. The notice regarding the change of it shall be made by way of posting the amended policy on this site. Such change shall be valid shortly subsequent to the notification.

Contact information

If you have any questions or comments about this policy, please contact us using the feedback form below.


April 5, 2020.