About Me

"Uniting the People for the People"

I came to Douglas County in 2012. Before coming to Douglasville, I had the opportunity to live in many places across the United States. My husband Joe, a horse trainer, rodeo coach, and rodeo pick-up man, and I, felt called to use the ranch property to help the most vulnerable in the community. Thus, the Exodus Ranch, a 501(c)3 was born. We've had the great honor to serve with and for, some amazing people! Among other activities, the Ranch has special fun days for foster children and their foster families, uses the horses to facilitate hippotherapy for special needs individuals, has provided horses and a practice arena for the equestrian Special Olympics team, opened the Ranch to special needs group homes, hosted wounded warriors and women in crises, taken pups and ponies to visit senior centers, provided Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas for around 300 people and used the horses to work with children who are struggling with behavior issues. All of the above activities are offered free to those who participate. It's wonderful to watch folks from Douglas County come together to help provide food, toys, and clothing and to help serve all these precious individuals! 

Shortly after coming to Douglas County, I was able to find a great church family in Douglasville.  With the help of some wonderful people, the ideas for the ranch started to come to life.  The rest, as they say, is history.  The Exodus Ranch is a little oasis in the middle of the city.  It is a peaceful place that offers that peace to those who are helped by being a part of the ranch. 

Since moving to Douglas County, I had the opportunity to start and oversee, All Community Theater. A.C.T. was a family-friendly venue that showcased plays by professional playwrites as well as local play writes.  Although I am no longer running the theater, I absolutely loved the opportunity it gave to the youth of Douglas County and would like to see it revived in the future. I strongly feel our youth need more creative and volunteer outlets, as well as strong mentors to guide them! 

Both my husband and I believe that the future is in our youth. We are advocates of good work ethic, accountability, common sense, personal responsibility, and community service.  We run a youth rodeo association where all of these traits are encouraged and rewarded.  Because of my belief that Jesus is truly the reason for everything, the youth are also encouraged to learn scripture and can receive rewards and even scholarships for doing so.

It was an honor to be asked to run for D-2 commissioner.  

After a lifetime of many different work experiences, especially dealing with diplomacy with others, I have learned to listen and be kind, but also to draw a line.  I’ve been blessed with many wonderful mentors and friends who’ve helped me grow as an individual in business, and in my Christian walk.  Through my work as a business owner, directing a non-profit, an animal trainer, an on-air reporter, a flight attendant, a children’s entertainer, and a writer, I have gained much experience in working with and for, people.  In business, I have learned that you have to listen to those who “pay the bills” or they will go elsewhere. That leads to what I would like to accomplish as a D-2 Commissioner. 

My goal is to hear what those in the D-2 district are concerned about. I want their concerns to be spoken and heard. I am not concerned about “personal agenda.” My concern is that the people are heard. After experiencing the politics involved with some areas of growth in this county and, not having the concerns of the citizens considered, I want to make sure our district, and indeed all of the Douglas County citizens, have a voice. I’m not a fan of making Douglas County about political party lines. I believe that everyone working together despite party lines, can make Douglas County the best that it can be. I don't believe that all growth is bad but that the wrong kind of growth can be. I don’t want to see Douglas County become all warehouses, car washes, and housing developments. Instead, I would prefer to see it keep that “small town feel” while encouraging the right kind of businesses and the right kind of housing to come here and to make sure the citizens who have lived here for years, have a say in how the county grows. Rising taxes, too much traffic on roads that can’t handle it, overcrowded schools, and the personal agendas of some holding positions of leadership in this county, have had, and are having a big negative impact. Common sense and the concerns of the citizens need to be top priority when it comes to leadership. It’s time to get to work and clean up the mess that has been made. 

When I am not working, I enjoy traveling, visiting my children and grandchildren, doing ranch activities with the ranch kids and riding my horses. My husband and I also enjoy hosting cowboy church on the ranch, on Thursday nights.