Published Papers

A Comparative Welfare Analysis of Electoral Systems with Endogenous Turnout Economic Journal 125(587): 1369-1392, September 2015.

Laboratory Elections with Endogenous Turnout: Proportional Representation versus Majoritarian RuleExperimental Economics 18(3): 366-384, September 2015.

Honest Equilibria in Reputation games: The role of Time PreferencesAmerican Economic Journal: Microeconomics 10(1), 278-314, February 2018 

An offer you can refuse: the effect of transparency with endogenous conflict of interestJournal of Public Economics 161, 44-55, May 2018 (with James Tremewan)

Building trust: The costs and benefits of gradualism Games and Economic Behavior 130: 258-275, November 2021 (with Wieland Müller and James Tremewan)

Fake news, Voter Overconfidence, and the Quality of Democratic Choice American Economic Review 112(10): 3367-97, October 2022 (with Jean-Robert Tyran) Online Appendix Earlier working paper

Working Papers

A New Approach to the Analysis of Cooperation Under the Shadow of the Future: Theory and Experimental Evidence with Wieland Müller 

 - revise and resubmit at Economic Journal

Does a stereotype benefit women in the labor market: An experiment on perseverance with Simone Haeckl

Protecting Privilege: How earnings competition and inequality of opportunity shape redistribution with Eryk Krysowski and Rupert Sausgruber


Determinants of the belief in (fake) news (with Edoardo Cefala, Sylvia Kritzinger, and Jean-Robert Tyran)

 - €250.000 funding from OeNB Jubiläumsfonds (principal investigator) Project webpage

Overcoming negative ethnic sentiments: A compassion intervention (with Christian Koch, Tomáš Miklánek, and Wieland Müller) 

Evaluation of a school-mentoring intervention for disadvantaged children (with Simone Häckl and Rupert Sausgruber)

Gradualism in the field (with Wieland Müller and Sigma Samhita)

An experimental study of lobbying and political institutions (with James Tremewan)