
"Bryn paused at the door, her fingers resting on the latch. There was one thing she had to know before she stepped out that door. 'Uncle Roland? Are you ashamed of me?'


'Of what you did? Yes,' he replied. 'Of you? No. Perhaps in your boots, I'd have done the same. I cannot say--nobody can. But whether I'd have done it or not, it was still grievously wrong, and you must pay the price for that. I am proud that you have faced punishment with dignity and without complaint.' "

For ten years, Bryn trained as a squire to her uncle. Ten years she fought and struggled to fulfill her dream: become a knight in the service of her god.

But one act of vengeance carried out in grief and anger destroyed it all. A knight gave the orders that killed her family, and Bryn took the life of the knight's son. The son who also was a paladin of Bryn's god.

Now Bryn seeks atonement with the father of the dead paladin. But machinations far greater than a disgraced squire are at play. Unicorn riders—believed to be only legend—ride through the land. A young sorcerer needs help in finding his father, and a mystery brews that could hold the fate of two worlds.

Will hatred prove stronger than the need to preserve a crumbling world?

Find Exile at these sellers of books, both physical and electronic. And look for the thrilling sequel, The Perilous Keep, scheduled for release in 2022.