About the Author

Melion lives with one spouse, two dogs, and a mostly acceptable amount of chaos. Melion has had quite a few short stories spotted in the wild, including in places such as Cast of Wonders, Deep Magic, The Best of Helios Quarterly, and Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores. Their fantasy novel, Exile, has been published by A4A Publishing, and the sequel, The Perilous Keep, is scheduled for release in 2022.

When not writing, Melion gets tossed about in Brazilian jiu jitsu, reads Latin, studies medieval history in pursuit of a PhD, and powerlifts. They have formally trained in a variety of sword styles from sabre to arming sword and rapier to cut-and-thrust. Melion also once thought it would be a good idea to give armored combat a try--a decision they only regret because Melion cannot yet afford a full suit of armor.

Melion considers caffeine consumption to be a noble hobby.

Rumors that Melion is a werewolf are unfounded. Completely unfounded. Although Melion does find a lot of dog fur in their house. Make of that what you will.

Follow Melion on Twitter: @MelionTraverse and on Facebook: Melion Traverse

Also find Melion's haphazard posting at their blog: https://delusionsofsanityblog.wordpress.com/

Or reach out via email: Melion.Traverse@gmail.com