
Working Papers

The China Shock, Market Concentration and the U.S. Phillips Curve (Submitted)

State-Dependent Exchange Rate Pass-Through, with Yan Carrière-Swallow, Davide Furceri, and Daniel Jiménez, IMF Working Paper 23/86 (R&R)

China Spillovers: Aggregate and Firm-Level Evidence, with Alexander Copestake, Davide Furceri, and Chris Redl, IMF Working Paper 23/206 (Submitted)

Global Value Chains and the UK Inflation Dynamics, with Tommaso Aquilante, Aydan Dogan and Aditya Soenarjo, Bank of England, Staff Working Paper 1,060, February 2024. (Submitted)

Monetary Policy Transmission Heterogeneity: Cross-Country Evidence, with Pragyan Deb, Julia Estefania-Flores, Davide Furceri, and Siddharth Kothari, IMF Working Paper 23/20

Demand vs. Supply Decomposition of Inflation: Cross-Country Evidence with Applications, with Otso Hao, IMF Working Paper 23/205

U.S. Monetary Policy Shock Spillovers: Evidence from Firm-Level Data, with Elif Arbatli-Saxegaard, Davide Furceri, and Jeanne Verrier, IMF Working Paper 22/191 (Submitted)

Nonlinearity of the U.S. Wage Phillips Curve

Regional Disparities in Europe, with Ravi Balakrishnan, Christian Ebeke, Davide Malacrino, and Louise Rabier, IMF Working Paper 22/198

Work in Progress

Unraveling the Wage-Output Disconnect: The Role of Labor Market Power, with Can Sever


Borrowing Constraints and Saving in Turkey, with Sumru Altug