Meet our Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff

“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future… Let us treat them with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them.” - Maria Montessori

Our staff is wonderfully diverse with different life experiences, training, skills, and talents. They all have a love of Montessori philosophy and desire to help children develop to their full potential. Montessori teachers are more accurately described as guides or facilitators. The guide is an active observer who provides a link between the prepared environment (classroom) and the child to facilitate in their self-development. A Montessori guide uses their expertise to prepare the environment, inspire the students, and oversee the classroom community. Our Primary classrooms have a Montessori guide and an assistant. The role of a Montessori assistant is to support the guide and encourage harmony in the classroom. Our elementary class sizes are intentionally small to foster normalization and independence for the older child. Both the guide and the assistant respect the individuality of each child, express a love of learning, and model a culture of meaningful work.

Our faculty has over 115 combined years of teaching experience. While they have attended different Montessori teacher training programs, all are knowledgeable, well qualified, and passionate about helping your child reach their full potential. In addition to our regular classroom faculty, we employ well qualified experts in the arts to round out your child’s education. MELC places a high value on teacher retention and professional development, which is reflected in our extremely low faculty turnover rate and ongoing commitment to lifelong learning amongst our staff.

Meet our faculty and staff:

Ina Lightner Fort - Owner/Principal, BA-Music Education/Early Childhood/Secondary, Columbia College St. Nicholas Montessori Centre, London, England Certified Trainer for First Steps

Tom Fort - School Social Worker, M.Ed, MSW BS-History-USC Masters in Education-USC Masters in Social Work-USC, Montessori Centre Internationale - 50CU, London, England, Certified Trainer for First Steps

Brantley Dresch - Administrative Assistant, Attended Midlands Technical College

Cindy Keller - Lead Montessori Teacher Primary 1, Diploma-St. Nicholas London, England Elementary Montessori Diploma-North America Montessori Center (NAMC), British Columbia Ages 6-9

Brittany Keller - Assistant to Primary 1, Attended Columbia College, Grew up at MELC from age 3

Sherrill Francis - Lead Montessori Teacher Primary 2, MACTE Montessori certification

Jasmine Weisinger - Assistant to Primary 2, currently enrolled at NAMC for primary certification

Laura Griffis - Lead Teacher Primary 4, Attended Spartanburg Methodist College, Montessori Centre Internationale, 50 CU, 20 years tenure at MELC

Kathi Fulmer - Assistant to Primary 4, currently enrolled at NAMC for primary certification

Caitlin Griffis - Lower Elementary Teacher, Attended Midlands Technical College, NAMC International Diploma Ages 6-9.

Dina Phillips - Lower Elementary Teacher, BA- Augusta University, AMS certified for early childhood education, MACTE certified for lower and upper elementary.

Jessica Stephens - Upper Elementary Teacher, Certified State of South Carolina, BA – University of South Carolina, NAMC International Diploma Ages 9-12.

Montessori Early Learning Center

1101 Balsam Rd. Columbia, South Carolina 29210


Ina Lightner Fort, Owner/Principal