

Literary Geographies in Balzac and Proust (Cambridge University Press, 2021).


“Quantifying the Gap: The Gender Gap in French Writers’ Wikidata.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, April 2023.

“Frank Kafker and the social history of eighteenth-century encyclopedism,” with Gregory S. Brown, Specialized Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, 1650-1800, ed. Jeffrey Loveland, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool: Liverpool UP: 2023. 

“French salons before and after the Revolution,” Between Network and Narrative: German and European Cultural Histories, 1789-1810, ed. Birgit Tautz and Crystal Hall, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool: Liverpool UP: 2023. 

“Visualizing the Evolution of Historical Networks Using Small Multiples in Grid Charts,” with Kimmo Elo, Malte Rehbein, and Linda von Keyserlingk, Journal of Historical Network Research, Vol. 7 No. 1: 86-113. DOI:

“Networks, Maps, and Time: Visualizing Historical Networks Using Palladio,” Digital Humanities Quarterly, Volume 15, Number 1.

“Thinking Literary Systems-Print and Digital Databases of Balzacians,” Revue Balzac 4, 81-98. 

“The Eighteenth-Century French Academic Network,” Networks of European Enlightenment, edited by Dan Edelstein and Chloe Summers Edmondson, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, (Liverpool: Liverpool UP: 2019), pp. 225-49. 

“The Empire of Letters: Enlightenment-Era French Salons,” with Chloe Summers Edmondson, Digitizing Enlightenment, edited by Simon Burrows and Glenn Roe, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment (Liverpool: Liverpool UP), pp. 364-393. 

2020 “Literary Readings in Post-Revolutionary Salons: The Gendering of Listening and Speaking,” Women in French, Special Issue: Le bruit des femmes

“Teaching Republican Culture through Caricature: The Scandal of Charlie Hebdo,” (forthcoming in MLA's Teaching Representations of the French Revolution, eds. Julia “Teaching Republican Culture through Caricature: The Scandal of Charlie HebdoMLA's Teaching Representations of the French Revolution, eds. Julia Douthwaite, Catriona Seth, and Antoinette Sol (New York: MLA, 2019), pp. 128-39. 

The French Enlightenment Network,” with Maria Teodora Comsa, Dan Edelstein, Chloe Summers Edmondson, and Claude Willan, The Journal of Modern History, 88:3 (2016), pp. 495-534.

The Milieu of the Prisoner-of-War Camp in La Grande Illusion,” Romance Notes, Vol 55: 3 (2015), pp. 371-384.

Before the “Inward Turn”: Tracing Represented Thought in the French Novel (1800-1929),” Poetics Today, Volume 35, Number 1-2 (2014), pp. 117-171.

"Reviving the Art of Sociability: Madame de Genlis's Post-Revolutionary Salon at the Arsenal," Special Issue of RELIEF, Madame de Genlis et la pensée des Lumières, edited by Alicia C. Montoya, 7:1 (2013), pp. 106-122.

Comment se vendre: L’escroquerie et le marketing dans La vie publique et privée de Mossieu Réac de Nadar,”  Special Issue of Médias 19, Presse, prostitution, bas-fonds (1830-1930), edited by Guillaume Pinson, Summer, 2013. 

Spontaneity and Moral Certainty in Benjamin Constant’s Adolphe,” in Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 40: 3-4 (2012), pp. 222-238.


Salons: A Digital History (in progress).

The Afterlife of the French Aristocracy, 1789-1914 (in progress).


 “’Worlding’ Balzac: The Global Geography of the Human Comedy” (in progress).

“Balzac's Character System: The Novel as Network” (in progress).


Morrissey, Robert. The Economy of Glory: From Ancien Régime France to the Fall of Napoléon

Lécuyer, Sylvie. La Généalogie fantastique de Gérard de Nerval.

Sacha Guitry. La Poison. (DVD Review).

Reviews for the LSE Review of Books.

Melanie R. Conroy | | Assistant Professor of French