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Graduate Studies

Hepatitis Resources

Graduate Studies at the University of Alberta

I am affiliated with both the Departments of Medicine and Medical Microbiology and Immunology (MMI).  If you're interested in doing graduate studies with me, please check out the websites for either or both programs. There are some differences in their requirements, courses offered, program layout, etc.

Graduate Studies with the Department of Medicine

Graduate Studies with the Department of MMI

Hepatitis B Resources

HepB Foundation - a American organization and advocacy group that provides patient resources about HBV, clinical trials, etc. Check out their #JustB Storytelling Campaign!

Hepatitis B Community forum - started by an Australian researcher and HBV community advocate for creating a safe space to learn and share stories/challenges about living with HBV.  Input is provided by the organizer (a highly published and well-respected HBV researcher) as well as other members of both the basic science and clinical communities.

Canadian Hepatitis B Network

World Health Organization

International Coalition to Eliminate HBV