Dr. Vanessa Meier-Stephenson

Vanessa Meier-Stephenson, MD PhD FRCPC

I am a practicing Infectious Diseases physician with an interest in chronic viral hepatitis and the study of viral-host pathogenesis for this and other viruses. I use a combination of computational, biophysical and molecular virology methods to explore various viral DNA/RNA and host protein interactions to gain further understanding in viral pathogenesis and evaluate unique approaches to developing therapeutics.

I joined the University of Alberta in May 2021 with our lab officially opening in August 2021. We continue to expand and are incorporating new ideas as we dive into this work. We're always looking for motivated researchers to join our research group. Please check out potential opportunities on the "Our Team" section.

Bench to Bedside... Other Research Projects and Involvements:

Group A Strep Vaccine Phase I Clinical Trial

Vaccine product developed by Dr. Michael Good and team at Griffiths University, Australia and University of Alberta.

Northern Alberta Clinical Trials & Research Centre Trial highlight:


Recruitment page: https://www.groupastrepvaccine.com/

Clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT04882514

Hepatitis C Virus Vaccine Phase I Clinical Trial

Vaccine product developed by Nobel Laureate, Dr. Michael Houghton and team at the University of Alberta