At Northeastern

Awards and Recognition

Certificate for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (Spring 2021), Harvard University 

Past Teaching Experience

At Harvard University

As Course Instructor

Ethics of Technology: Autonomy, Community, Virtue, and Vice (Spring 2021, co-taught with Seth Robertson)

Ethics of Computing Technology (Summer 2020, Harvard Summer School) 

Modules with EmbeddedEthics@Harvard (Lecturer)

Social Media, Content Regulation, and Democracy (Fall 2020)

Economics and Computation: Ethics of Nudging (Spring 2020)

Compilers: Ethics of Open Source Software Development (Fall 2019)

Graduate Student Instruction

Teaching Lab: Embedded Ethics (Fall 2019 - current)

Postdoc duties include providing extensive teaching feedback for graduate teaching fellows and discussing pedagogical strategy for interdisciplinary contexts.

At Stanford University

As Course Instructor

Environmental Ethics (Summer 2019, co-taught with Dave Gottlieb) 

Introduction to Moral Philosophy (Summer 2016) 

Gender, Sexuality, and Equality (Winter 2014) 

Education as Self-Fashioning, Writing Instructor (Winter 2013) updated syllabus

A course designed to teach freshman general skills required for doing well in college (e.g. thesis-driven writing, argument analysis, argument construction, etc.) using philosophy (primarily papers in epistemology and personal identity) as the focus material. Four hours of instruction per week along with regular one-on-one writing consultations.

As Teaching Assistant

Ethical Theory (Spring 2016, Winter 2015, Stanford University, with Jorah Dannenberg)

Existentialism (Spring 2014, Stanford University, with Lanier Anderson)

Philosophy of Law (Fall 2012, Stanford University, with Michael Bratman)

At University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

As Teaching Assistant

Introductory Ethics (Spring 2011, with Nataliya Palatnik)

Introductory Ethics (Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, with Julius Sensat)

Johns Hopkins University - Center for Talented Youth (CTY)* 

Middle- and High-School Students, as Teaching Assistant

Logic (Summer 2011, Johns Hopkins University, with Bill McGeehan)

Philosophy of Mind (Summer 2008, Summer 2009, Loyola Marymount University, with Zed Adams)

Ethics (Summer 2007, Siena College, with Paul Stearns)

*The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) is an intensive college-level summer residential program for talented and gifted youth. 

Advising and Mentoring

I have advised a number of undergraduate honors theses.

I have been involved in the following mentoring projects: Stanford's WOGEM-Phi (a philosophy reading group for undergraduate women and gender minorities); Princeton's Compass Workshop (aimed at increasing gender diversity in philosophy). See also: Service and Diversity.