Meica Danielle Magnani

I am an Assistant Teaching Professor in Philosophy and Computer Science at Northeastern University. Before coming to Northeastern, I was a postdoctoral fellow with Embedded EthiCS @ Harvard 2019-2021. I received my PhD in Philosophy from Stanford University in 2019.  

My main areas of research concern the nature and value of autonomy -- in particular, how we can understand and realize autonomy given that our agency is inextricably embedded within social and technological structures. 

I teach classes in moral philosophy, modern philosophy, ethics of technology, and environmental ethics. I also work with colleagues Vance Ricks and Katie Creel to integrate ethical reflection and social responsibility considerations throughout the computer science curriculum at Northeastern. 

I currently serve as co-director of PIKSI-Boston and co-director of the Summer Training Program on Responsible Computing Program (funded by Mozilla)
